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First Day of Autumn



Now, obviously autumn isn't one of those things where you snap your fingers and it just is. Like every other seasonal change it's a process that lasts over a short time. And then there's the fact that Mother Nature herself doesn't really like to make these changes happen consistently during one certain period of time each year. But, nevertheless, someone in charge of calendars decided that today would mark the first day of autumn, probably because it's an equinox or something like that.


Autumn is my favorite season of the year for several reasons. The first is that the trees begin to change color. Unfortunately I don't live in New England, and my location on the west coast doesn't have a whole lot of deciduous trees, so I can't say that we derive a whole lot of beauty from the phenomenon, but still I find the color changes we do get to be quite beautiful. I imagine that my sister, who is living on the east coast, will be sending me a multitude of pictures, and I know they're all going to make me jealous.


Second: Weather changes. I hate summer. It's dry, it's hot, and dreadfully unpleasant. Even though early autumn is still pretty warm, it's definitely starting to cool off, and eventually we get to a point where the skies will darken and the rain will come. Depending on what Mother Nature wants that can happen any time between now and December. Seeing as how badly we need rain I'm hoping it happens sooner rather than later.


Third (and if I'm honest probably the most important), autumn gives us the two greatest days of the year in the form of Halloween and Thanksgiving. For the former, there's just something so fun about reveling on the macabre, whether it be by dressing up in crazy costumed attire, decorating one's house, or watching (usually bad) horror movies during AMC's 31 Days of Halloween. And if the skies start to darken and the rain comes, well that just adds to the atmosphere!


(There's candy, too, so there's that.)


And then there's Thanksgiving. I'll actually be going on a non-Thanksgiving related trip this year so I will miss the holiday completely, but it needs to be mentioned anyway. It's the time of the year when we're (usually) all together as a family, and in spite of some of our issues I actually rather enjoy spending time with them. It's also the time of the year where I get to help make -and help eat- lots of food so there's that, too. Usually our menu includes turkey (duh), green bean casserole (home made by moi), sweet potatoes, Jell-O, bread roles, and pie for desert. (There may be ham in their, too, but for some reason I can't recall.) Nothing seriously fancy but still incredibly delicious.


And, on the subject of holidays I feel like I should give it a shout out to The Day of the Dead. Our family doesn't celebrate it, but it seems to me like a really beautiful holiday.


The last reason: apples. One time, a long time ago, my Dad took my sisters and I to Apple Hill. After that I became completely obsessed with everything apples. I really should get my butt back there someday, and seeing how late September seems to be about mid-season for apple harvesting (someone correct me if I'm wrong) it's the perfect time to indulge in everything apple related whether it be pie, cider, juice, crisps, doughnuts, or other. Not that I can't indulge in apple products any time of the year. I can, and do, but I imagine that if I want the freshest (and probably best tasting) goods now would be the time to get them.


So there it is: four reasons why I love late September to early/mid December. I will enjoy every minute of it, and relish it, because all too soon the calendar is going to swing back around into that drab month we call 'January.' Admittedly the January weather is still nice, but without the atmosphere that comes from the changing leaves, not to mention the cheer brought by the Halloween-Thanksgiving-Christmas triumvirate, it just isn't the same.

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I'm gonna miss summer.  I mean, I did go outside and had some fun, but it seemed kinda cold this year.  Maybe it's partly to do with the fact that I work in a really hot kitchen all year 'round...

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