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It is done; Kanohi 2001 Collection (and rarities)

It is done.




1) Yes, I know I'm missing misprints and other rarities. Most notably missing is the European Copper Huna and more premium items (24k Gold Hau for example).


2) Also of note, I have some 02-03 masks in this list, including the gold Avohkii, Nuparu's orange Pakari, the gold Vahi, the MEK and Kraahkan, but they're in my collection so I count them.


3) I don't currently have plans to go get Kanohi Nuva, Krana or Kraata; I might consider the Kanoka, but those are super hard to get just right.


So yeah, that's 2 months' work. Just in time, too.

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The trans-orange Kaukau is a nice color but it's always bothered me within the context of Pohatu's masks.
I mean ... brown brown ORANGE! brown brown brown.

  • Upvote 3


The trans-orange Kaukau is a nice color but it's always bothered me within the context of Pohatu's masks.


I mean ... brown brown ORANGE! brown brown brown.

Yeah I know D: I was so tempted to swap the dark red down and push orange at Tahu, but then it'd be even worse.


red red ORANGE red red red

brown brown RED brown brown


We just needed a true proper trans brown, smoke isn't enough.



The trans-orange Kaukau is a nice color but it's always bothered me within the context of Pohatu's masks.


I mean ... brown brown ORANGE! brown brown brown.

Yeah, but then again, Pohatu was always the odd duck out anyway. All the other Toa had such bright, pure colors... and then here's the brown guy.


Perhaps it's less that LEGO needed a closer transparent color to his primary color, and more that his masks should have been a brighter shade like Bright Orange or Dark Orange to begin with. Certainly could have saved LEGO some grief down the road when they finally realized the sets that looked like they crawled out of a mud puddle were consistently the worst sellers in their group.

believe victims



The trans-orange Kaukau is a nice color but it's always bothered me within the context of Pohatu's masks.


I mean ... brown brown ORANGE! brown brown brown.

Yeah, but then again, Pohatu was always the odd duck out anyway. All the other Toa had such bright, pure colors... and then here's the brown guy.


Perhaps it's less that LEGO needed a closer transparent color to his primary color, and more that his masks should have been a brighter shade like Bright Orange or Dark Orange to begin with. Certainly could have saved LEGO some grief down the road when they finally realized the sets that looked like they crawled out of a mud puddle were consistently the worst sellers in their group.



Right, black is such a bright color :P


I still stand that Bright Orange is a weird color for stone sets. Yes, a stone can be orange, but when you ask people to name a stone color, do they say "orange"? The point of their colors is not to just look like the element, but evoke it. It needs to be a color people look at and think "yeah, that's stone, all right."


Dark Orange is better, because it darker tone makes it browner, and thus more evocative of stone. i'm so glad they made 2015 Pohatu Dark Orange instead of Bright Orange.



I still stand that Bright Orange is a weird color for stone sets. Yes, a stone can be orange, but when you ask people to name a stone color, do they say "orange"?

When you ask people to name an air color, do they say "green"? :P

Zox Tomana


I think of green....


But that's because of BIONICLE XP



The trans-orange Kaukau is a nice color but it's always bothered me within the context of Pohatu's masks.


I mean ... brown brown ORANGE! brown brown brown.

Thank goodness someone else said it.

I mean, even in the context of the entire collection that mask color sticks out like a sore thumb. It's like HEY LOOK HERE I AM A MASK SEE

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