Hey everypony! Right now there's a Humble Pony Bundle available, offering $165 worth of digital My Little Pony comics for as low as $15 (though of course, it's pay-what-you-want and a portion of your choosing goes to charity, so some people have paid $50 to $100). This is easily the best deal I've seen on digital My Little Pony comics to date so I definitely recommend it!
Included so far are:
Issues 1–23 of the main series
All ten issues of the My Little Pony Micro-Series
The first ten issues of My Little Pony: Friends Forever
The first two My Little Pony Animated volumes (comic book adaptations of the TV series, with two episodes' worth of story per volume).
This will continue to be available for a little less than two weeks, and more comics will be added to the bundle next Wednesday — but as long as you pay more than the average, those new comics will automatically be made available to you as soon as they're added! So there's no need to put it off until then.
Source: Official My Little Pony topic
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