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If You Ever Want To Talk



I admit I'm very privileged. I admit I cannot fully empathize with a lot of you because we haven't had the same life experiences. I know I'm some online person hiding behind a Kanohi Zatth.


But I am here for you. I'm sure everyone else on this site is, but I just want to put it in writing.


There is too much oppression, hatred, and sadness in this world, and nobody deserves that. As an immigrant (and third world kid), chronically ill, mentally depressed, demiromantic 19 year old, I know I can't empathize with everything, but I will listen to anything and everything you ever want to say or think about. I've been trying to change my ways and learn to be a more toleran and open person, and if nothing else, your talking to me about things will open up my eyes and make me want to make a bigger change.


Talking to me might not do much. Whether it's because you've never met me, or don't trust me, I totally get that. But this is, more than anything, an open invitation to talk with me about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. It can be silly, it can be nonsensical, it can be looking for someone to vent to and not want or wait for an answer.


Just remember that there are always those who will love you and will accept who you are, in any and all facets. This is an open invitation to PM me about anything at any time. Y'all are loved, and y'all matter to me.

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