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Premier Membership Giveaway: 12-Year-BZPversary Edition



Another year, another new spinny! Today marks 12 years since I signed up for a little site called BZPower, and even cutting out the roughly 7-year absence, that's still a pretty good chunk of time with a pretty good community. I'd wonder what 11-year-old me would say if he saw me here now, except that typing this sentence made me realize I've been registered here for more than half my life, and now I need to go lay down.


Before that, though-


In celebration of 12 years on BZP, I'm holding a Premier Membership giveaway. Why? Because I remember wanting a premier membership way back when and not being able to get one, and because this went over pretty well last time I did it (more than two years ago!) This isn't any kind of official BZP raffle or contest or anything, hence why it's happening here in the blog and not up on the Raffle tab.


So! Here are the important details. Read this before entering.


I will be giving away three one-year PMships via random drawing - and if anyone wants to help out, I'll match donations of up to three more. The drawing will take place at 7:00 PM PST, Sunday, January 25th. Entrants' names will be collected into a list, which will be randomized through random.org. The top three names will receive a one-year PMship through BZP's store.


Who can enter?

Anyone who doesn't have a PMship may enter. However, if you can buy a PMship, I would prefer you don't enter. Like I said in the opening thing up there, I remember being young with no way of paying anything over the internet, and certainly no way of convincing my parents to buy something over the internet on my behalf. (A paid membership to a forum? I'd have been lucky if they didn't try to sue Dimensioneer and co. for fraud.) So ideally I'd like to get these out to members who want a PMship but cannot purchase one due to financial or logistical reasons. Obviously, if it turns out there aren't many such people around, I'll relax this.


This also has the added benefit of BZP not losing out on the support from anyone who was planning to buy a PMship and then happened to win one.


How do I enter?

Just comment on this entry!


How can I donate a PMship to be matched?

PM me and let me know you'd like to help out, and if you want to be public or anonymous. I'll let you know if I'm already at the match limit.


Can I enter on someone else's behalf?

Sure, but to keep this from just turning into a popularity contest, there is a one-person-one-entry limit. If you want to enter on someone else's behalf, you're going to have to announce that person in your comment - and then, of course, if that other person enters for themselves, your entry is essentially null. Basically, do this if you've got a friend who's out of town for the duration of the entry period or something like that.


What happens if I win?

I'll send you a PM with a voucher for BZP's store worth a 1-year PMship.


Why 1-year memberships?

Seems appropriate for an anniversary, doesn't it?


Best of luck to everyone!

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I'm not sure whether I'd make good use, but I'd like to be considered. (I still don't have finances of my own, yay being an Asian college student.)

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You know what? Let's be generous. I'll throw another membership in. If I'm not mistaken, with you matching, GSR, that brings it up to five winners now?

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So uh, I'm actually planning on getting myself a lifetime soon, so take me out of the running?

You heard the man. Better edit those entries if you want them to go to use! :P


You know what? Let's be generous. I'll throw another membership in. If I'm not mistaken, with you matching, GSR, that brings it up to five winners now?


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I Wish to enter thine self in thou'st contest, for thine self wishith for the Premeirest of memberships


I am in the same situation as you said you were, they dont like buying me ranks for forums and such, at most i get online is to order items. such as legos

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