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Drive-By Update

I got sick twice over winter break and the second time around I wound up binge-watching several shows. Namely, I watched every Ninjago episode available on Netflix and finished watching the last three and a half seasons of Merlin.


I have ALL the new bonkles.


The Bionicle RPG is at 82 pages. With little more than power rules and some character/creature stat sheets left, it is almost ready for "beta testing".


Podcasting is still fun.


Got on the President's Honor Roll again last semester. This semester I'm taking Database Design & SQL (after I've already used the tech in my other classes), Graphic Design (CS6), Web Interactivity Tools (Adobe Edge), an IT internship, and the Capstone project. The capstone is basically the big kahuna, the final for the whole degree. It is an actual project that will be going live at the end of the semester. Capstone combines students from all the different emphasis areas of the IT program so that the team covers all the different aspects of the project. However, with two Capstone projects and only two Web Design & Development students (one being me) participating this semester, that means that we have to be split up into different projects where we'll have to handle the entire web component of our respective projects solo. Yowza.


Okay, back to homework.

And then he was never heard from again...


  • Upvote 7


Recommended Comments

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


You drive a biscotti?


Also congrats on making the honor roll, and best of luck with your studies!

  • Upvote 1
Takuma Nuva


Biscotti? Where'd you get that idea, your fan-fic? I drive a '96 T-Bird, foo'.

Takuma Nuva



I wish I could double upvote this entry! I am so excited to see how the rules have turned out for the Bionicle RPG!!!

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