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On Those Delays...



This is mostly for the few of you who follow A Mystery Explored, but it also applies to anyone who felt my presence or productivity decline over the past two weeks.


I had an operation on Tuesday of last week for the removal of a polyp in my small intestine. Long story short, they snipped off a part of my intestine, sewed it back together, and I've been recovering since.


Nothing to be alarmed over, I had great medical care, a very high pain tolerance which has the doctor and my parents amazed (and angry), and good spirits that have carried me through.


I didn't mention anything before the operation because, well, to be honest, I was given the date the Sunday before the operation, and Monty Oum's passing was announced on a Monday. I'm not lying when I say I tried to keep myself as awake as possible after the anesthesia, making it to seeing the lights in the operation room, because my sense of mortality was that much heightened, and so only close family members, friends, and my professors knew about the procedure.


But hey, now I'm out and recovering well! I go back on campus on Monday, and though I can't lift anything over 10 lbs for the next four weeks, my gut hasn't burst open and that's all we can ask for.




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I noticed you weren't really around tumblr the last couple of weeks and I was wondering if you were okay. Glad to hear things went well, and all the best recovering. <3

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I noticed you weren't really around tumblr the last couple of weeks and I was wondering if you were okay. Glad to hear things went well, and all the best recovering. <3


Thanks, friend :)

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Holy cats.  As someone who's been on the major-abdominal-surgery train before, I can say I feel your pain completely literally, and so with as much emotion and sympathy as possible: ouch, dude.


Glad to hear everything went well, though!

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I'm happy to hear that everything went well. Keep recovering!


Thanks! I only just started to actually be able to laugh today, so there will be much luff-related recovery.


Holy cats.  As someone who's been on the major-abdominal-surgery train before, I can say I feel your pain completely literally, and so with as much emotion and sympathy as possible: ouch, dude.


Glad to hear everything went well, though!


Thanks so much! Yeah, I was kinda scared about the procedure itself, but it turns out that the combination of my obscenely long intestine and my high tolerance of pain made the procedure and the recovery go surprisingly well.

Still hurts, though, but they do say no pain no gain :P

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Kids these days with all their fancy new diseases and surgeries. Back in my day we didn't have a surgeon; we had a goat. Just let that sink in for a bit.


(But seriously, I am very glad to hear you're recovering well. Take it easy, dude).

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