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Incoherent Rambling



What if The LEGO Movie sets were so successful we get a The LEGO Movie Movie? We would then get The LEGO Movie Movie sets.


Why were Mata Nui and Makuta the main protagonist and main antagonist of 2010 respectively, yet neither got a set that year?


We totally should have seen more 'special' canister sets in the later years, like the Hagah.


I constantly imagine the early Toa Mata having their gear functions turned to the beat of some random music that only exists in my head.


I found two drilldozer drills the other day and decided they'd make good hands, because who doesn't want drill hands?


I saw a skull spider the other day. Horrible creatures.


Skull Driller now exists. It has drills for hands.


Why did the Hero Factory heroes have first names in 2010 that were then promptly never used again, except in 2011 when Fire Lord was like 'I KNOW YOU PREEESSSTOOONNN, I LOVED YOU; or something like that?


If the Protector Gunthings have six slots for six studs, does that mean they evolve into Cordak Blasters given enough time?


The clowns are coming for Okoto... and then for you.


The Lord of Skull Spiders is actually a mutilated and twisted Toa, hence why it is not actually a true spider (it has six legs instead of eight). It is a mockery of both true spiders and those who would dare call themselves heroes. It guards the Ancient City out of spite for its former life.


The Hero Factory and the planet or comet or whatever it was on got nuked by Von Nebula who is now called Von Nukula. He had the last laugh except for the part where the HF's higher staff and alpha team escaped to the other side of Okoto's planet and to set up a new Hero Factory, just as corrupt and evil as the previous one.


Pohatu and the Protector of Stone are radioactive. This is why they are partly transparent neon green. Being around them slowly kills you.


There are 'mindless' Okotoan villagers wandering around in the more rural, extreme, and deep zones of Okoto. They are mindless as a Skull Spider has taken control over them so long their mind has been erased away, leaving nothing but a mindless - and incredibly hostile - villager, that is if a skull spider is not on their face. If there is a Skull Spider on their face, then the Skull Spider's controlling the villager very easily. Due to the lack of a mind, the Skull Spiders have increased capabilities when taking control of these villagers.


There is a Red Star above Okoto. There is also a Blue Star, a Green Star, a Brown Star, a Black Star and a White Star. It is rumoured that when Okoto has overcome all the trials it puts upon its inhabitants and defenders, that these stars will combine into one massive star, but not before being preceded by the most devastating events in Okoto's history. Due to this, some villagers of Okoto find it in their best interest to oppose the Toa reaching the Ancient City and awakening Ekimu or whatever they have to do there, and will go to any length to do so.


The Inika masks were teleported up to the Red Star when the Inika became Mahri, thus preserving their lives, They now bicker endlessly. They crash landed on Okoto tomorrow, about five hours ago.


Okoto does not lie on top of a giant robot's face.


Speaking of that, it would be very weird if every time we went to sleep, a giant island sprouted up on top of our heads and then broke apart when we got up.Even more so if our blood cells spread out onto it... wow. Mata Nui... was BLEEDING all 2001-2003. Having an island rest on top of your face can't help.


Makuta desired to eat the Toa's masks but was stopped by Ekimu, who teamed up with Mata Nui and also Oheropoafgelo, who is from generation 3 of BONKLE, the clown generation. They are the Clown of Earth.

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