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Would you like to be in a BZP Story?

Remember that Okoto story I've mentioned? This is it, people. In an alternate version of the 2015 storyline where the Toa failed to save the island, YOU (the Protectors) must now save the island.






What I'm looking for is anyone interested in being a character in this story. This story will be standalone; no prior reading is required, and there will be no sequels. This shall be my final "major" writing project on BZPower, and I'd love it if all of you signed up to join the ride. :)


Name: (Self-explanatory; I'd prefer your display name, or most commonly known variant)

Gender: (Also self-explanatory, I think. This can be anything - what you personally identify as, or what you'd like the character to identify as)

Element 1: (This is your preferred element; canon elements only, please. That's Fire, Ice, Earth, Water, Jungle, or Stone)

Element 2: (If I find that too many people have the same element above, I'll look at this one)

Other: (Any additional info you want to include; keep in mind that I will use the stuff here as a basis of inspiration, not as actual backstory. This section can include the weapon your character favors, or perhaps their personality....)

Role: (Do you want to sign up for a role?)


Roles I'm Looking For

Obviously, there needs to be some sort of structure on Okoto - otherwise, how can the Protectors hope to defend their home?

HUNTERS X1: These characters serve as the elite defense force; the best fighters on the island. (ONLY ONE HUNTER SPOT REMAINS) all gone!

LEADERS X2: I'm looking for a leader from each element type to serve as the "Guardian/Leader/Turaga" type role for each elemental region, and then an additional two who will serve as advisers for the leader of the island. (I AM STILL LOOKING FOR LEADERS FOR STONE, AND ONE MISC.)





Decimation will release on April 22nd.

Before any of you ask or predict or start to bother me about it - no, this is not related to anything I have written before. Except that this is also a story where you get to be characters.


Signups will remain open until March 19th. The sooner you sign up, the higher chances you have of playing a major role!

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Name: Unit
Gender: Male
Element 1: Jungle
Element 2: Fire
Other: Prefers boomerangs and smallswords. Likes to think things through before acting, and isn't good at snap decisions as a result.

Role: Leader






Name: Xaeraz
Gender: Male
Element 1: Earth
Element 2: Ice I guess
Other: If a scrapyard protector's out of the picture, a la mafia Xaeraz, I'd at least like him to be Wrong somehow if possible? Fangs, claws, wrong number of limbs, chest gatling stud shooter, something?


I'll sign up for a Leader, I suppose.lol good joke HUNTER

Blessed Blade


Name: Blade
Gender: Female
Element 1: Jungle
Element 2: Ice
Other: Spunky, a tad overconfident, and will do anything for friends. Favours bladed weapons, true to her name. Armour tends to have dark green in it somewhere, regardless of typical tribe.

Samus Aran-Bounty Hunter


Name: Zakaro, Zak, 0
Gender: Male
Element 1: Earth
Element 2: Jungle
Other: If Earth, then has an UBER CHEST GATLING GUN and mace thing. If Jungle, uses AMAZING GATLING BOW instead.



Name: Ehksidian

Gender: Yes. (Male)

Element 1: Earth

Element 2: Jungle

Other: He likes the elemental blasters. A lot. So much so that he has a suit that has five attached to it - one on each shoulder, one on each arm, and one mounted over his chest.

Don't ask how he fires the chest one. He'll just wave his fingers and say "Magic"

He should be a Hunter.



Name: Ghidora

Gender: Male

Element 1: Ice

Element 2: Water

Other: Very leedur-like, I guess. Oh, and weapon would either be a buzzsaw shield(steel, son) or a chest shooter-thingy-thing.


Role: Hunter, mate.

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


Name: Tekulo


Gender: Nonbinary if you're up for it. Basically fine with male pronouns and is physically male, however also identifies in part with femininity. A simple way to describe it is like a reverse of a tomboy (like a girl who is one of the guys, but the other way around). If that's too weird, just go for male, XP.


Element 1: Jungle

Element 2: Earth


Other: More introverted, however also has a basic understanding of social mores and interactions. Can find social interactions kinda draining, but tries to be polite. Normally acts as a wallflower. Is more blunt and open with close friends. Loves the rain. Uses a fighting style similar to mixed martial arts like boxing and close combat. Likes to use quick footing and agility. Wants to understand enemies and their motives, even when forced to act against them to protect the island.

25K Now!


Name: Hubert

Gender: Male

Element 1: Fire

Element 2: Ice

Other: Fond of bandalores. Lazy guy who only gets things done if a deadline is close. Will do anything possible to get out on top (cheap shots, dirty tactics). Brutally honest. Fairly self-depreciating. Good at punching people.

Role: Hunter


added you all into my doc!



added you all into my doc!



Name: Tekulo

Gender: Nonbinary if you're up for it. Basically fine with male pronouns and is physically male, however also identifies in part with femininity. A simple way to describe it is like a reverse of a tomboy (like a girl who is one of the guys, but the other way around). If that's too weird, just go for male, XP.

Element 1: Jungle
Element 2: Earth

Other: More introverted, however also has a basic understanding of social mores and interactions. Can find social interactions kinda draining, but tries to be polite. Normally acts as a wallflower. Is more blunt and open with close friends. Loves the rain. Uses a fighting style similar to mixed martial arts like boxing and close combat. Likes to use quick footing and agility. Wants to understand enemies and their motives, even when forced to act against them to protect the island.


I'm fine with any gender for characters. :)



This shall be my final "major" writing project on BZPower, and I'd love it if all of you signed up to join the ride.  :)

You just had to say that.


Rule #1... :P


Name: fishers64

Gender: Female

Element 1: Ice

Element 2: Water

Other: I'm actually a tough old fisherwoman of the ice tribe. Or the water tribe. Fishing people on Okoto are canon, so I'd appreciate it if you could work that in. But if it doesn't work, no worries. :)

Role: Hunter, please. 



Name: Burnmad
Gender: Male
Element 1: Fire
Element 2: Do you really think I'd consent to appearing as anything other than a fire elemental? Fire or bust.
Other: I'd really like to be a blacksmith, this time around. Maybe I give other people flaming swords?
Role: Hunter


*Snaps fingers*

  • Upvote 1


Name: Voxumo

Gender: Male

Element 1: Ice

Element 2: Plantlife (Jungle I guess technically now)

Other: Weapons of choice, Icepicks or a two handed scythe. Rather silent, does not speak unless it is required. Somewhat blunt and often disregards how his bluntness will affect others on an emotional level. 

Role: Leader

In Between the Shadows


Name: Shadow_Ignited (or Blaze)
Gender: Female
Element 1: Water
Element 2: Ice
Other: Friendly but can sometimes be quiet. Her weapon of chose is a flail or rapier, whichever works

Role: Hunter please

Makuta Luroka


Name: Luroka
Gender: Male
Element 1: Shadow
Element 2: Magnetism
Other: Rather secretive, but avoids giving false information. Wields the black-body sword, a wicked black sword that absorbs light and channels the energy back to him
Role: Hunter



N: Chro
G: Male
E1: Fire
E2: Ice
O: If fire, flaming left arm; do whatever you want with personality/other
R: Leader would be cool but it doesn't really matter


This shall be my final "major" writing project on BZPower, and I'd love it if all of you signed up to join the ride.  :)

You just had to say that.
Rule #1... :P


mhm, fishers knows what's up




Element 1: Shadow

Element 2: Magnetism

... seriously? :|



Name: Pulse

Gender: Male

Element 1: Stone

Element 2: Water

Other: Irritable, with a one-track mind. Favoured weapon: Polearm. 

Role: Hunter


You know, I'm surprised at the lack of Stone in here. 

Taka Nuvia


Name: Taka Nuvia
Gender: female
Element 1: Fire
Element 2: Earth
Other: enjoys art, tends to be pessimistic at times.
Role:  Leader, though if those slots are already filled hunter would be okay, too.



Name: Cyrix

Gender: Male

Element 1: Stone

Element 2: Earth

Other: Uses a gattling-gun-thing and a grappling hook to help with hunting. Anti-social and a loner, only fits into the tribal system when it is absolutely necessary. Sometimes (rarely) sees the merits of working together.

Role: Hunterrrrrr

Pahrak Model ZX


Name: Pahrak
Gender: Male
Element 1: Stone
Element 2: Water
Other: Doesn't always say much, and what he does say tends to come out wrong.  Easily flustered/frustrated.  Carries a variety of bladed weapons, including a broadsword that has been in his family's possession for a very long time.
Role: Hunter



Luroka, I said quite clearly that you must choose from the six elements on Okoto.


E: All but Luroka added in!



Name: ToaD

Gender: Male

Element: Shadow

Other: Weapon of choice, a single katana. Bit of a loner and very stubborn, enjoys company with friends though.

Role: Hunter would be nice



Name: ToaD

Gender: Male

Element: Shadow

Other: Weapon of choice, a single katana. Bit of a loner and very stubborn, enjoys company with friends though.

Role: Hunter would be nice


Your element must be one of the 6 elements of Okoto.



Ice then, didn't actually notice that until later.

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