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Adobe Edge Final Project

So my Web Interactivity Tools course focused on the use of Adobe Edge AKA the Adobe Flash-killer. For our final project we had to develop a sort of sample website that used at least two animations that contained movement and/or interactivity of some kind.


I decided to theme my project around a sort of proof-of-concept of what the current Bionicle website could be (because, let's face it, whoever came up with some of these design decisions kinda sucked). What I have is nowhere near a complete product and there's plenty more I could do to improve it, but I don't have time to go above and beyond with all the bells and whistles I have in mind. If you're interested in having a look, you may check it out here.



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IMO the Tahu animation seems a little tacky when it repeats every time you go to a new page.  Still is neat tho, and the links to the tools and mask and such are nice.  (Although when I click on the enlarged tool, ext, image, it just repeats the fly-in-from-below animation, ad when you do it with the center tool it pops up with the mask.  These little things always bug me when I've tried to make animaions, and I'm still stuck in the past with Flash.)  Anyway, nice job!



Takuma Nuva


Yeah, a couple of those "bells and whistles" I had in mind would be a static navbar for the other pages and disabling the click-action on enlarged images. As for the mask bug, I hadn't realized that but I know exactly what's causing it.
This really is a "bare minimum A" I'm going for. Just don't have the time for more with the capstone project due in less than a week.

Takuma Nuva

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