My Thoughts on Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, Season 2 Finale (CAUTION: SPOILERS)
I'm gonna spoilertag everything past this point. You have been warned.
I'm going to start out by saying that I enjoyed it a lot. There was a lot of emotional dilemma going on during the episode, and everything worked. So now, I begin. I'm not going to talk about this stuff in a linear form, I'm just going to have everything lead into itself as best I can.
Jia-Ying's plot to get rid of SHIELD was great. At the end of the last episode, I wasn't sure if this is something she thought out beforehand or something that she made up on the spot due to how she left Gonzales (the fact that he didn't have a gun in his hand and his hand was shattered). But she dealt with that extremely well while giving the Inhumans more reason to fight by blowing up the building with the Quinjet Gordon stole. Also, her power is ****ing terrifying. Basically a modern-day vampire. I'm glad that SHIELD figured out most of what was going on early on, and they had a great plan at the beginning. But then Cal's side-mission threw it all into the fire when he had a stroke or a heart attack or something magical. I think he was relying on the fact that Coulson and the rest of SHIELD wasn't going to let him die when they could still get information out of him. I also think that he purposely left out the adrenaline from his concoction so that he could get out of his cell and have it administered to him later. It just seems like a pretty obvious thing to leave out of a super-serum, especially when it's being made by a homicidal doctor guy. Then we got to see the scary side of Cal, the Cal that's not supposed to be seen, the Cal that can take multiple icers and only lose feeling in his legs. Now back to Jia-Ying.
While all that Cal stuff was happening, she confronted Raina. Knowing that Raina knew what was going to happen, she had to either try and convince Raina that she should side with the Inhumans (which she probably knew was going to fail from the start). Or she had to kill Raina, which is what ended up happening. Going into Agents of SHIELD, I didn't really like Raina. She only started getting interesting in Season 2 of the show, and I'm a little sad that Joss killed her off. But everything Joss directs needs to have some sort of casualty in it. Back to SHIELD V Inhumans.
Gordon's infiltration of the boat was great, teleporting the others in where they could efficiently take it (which they did). We also got to see more dark Jia-Ying when she killed that other SHIELD agent in cold blood with the fancy Terrigen Crystal from the previous episode. It's also awesome how we got to see Mack be a bad***, knock out that Ginga-Ninja and get Skye out of her cell. Their plan to stop it all was compromised when they saw how many friggin crystals Jia-Ying had and what she was going to do, so they had to cut the signal. Skye's hacking ability has always been one of my favorite aspects about her, and I was disappointed that she didn't do much of it in Season 2, but it's good to know that she hasn't lost her touch and managed to warn SHIELD (most of SHIELD) away from the impending Terrigen Crystal doom that Jia-Ying and her Inhuman squad was going to unleash.
But then there's when Lincoln warned Jia-Ying about the signal. Previously Jia-Ying sent one of her goons to check on Skye when Gordon was right there with her. Why not send Gordon to check? it would've been 100% faster (I know, plot convenience)! And when Gordon got back, they could've sent a bunch of Ginga-Ninjas to find Skye and Mack. This is where Jia-Ying's plan starts to fall apart. It gives SHIELD enough of an opening to get in there and do their thing. When Lincoln found Skye (I'm glad he did, because any other Inhuman would've knocked her out or killed her), and he started to listen to Skye, I got hopeful that SHIELD might not need to intervene much. But then Mack knocked Lincoln out with a power saw and then I remembered I was watching a Marvel show.
All this time I forgot I hadn't mentioned Ward, Kara/33, OR Bobbi. Yeah, Bobbi woke up in an abandoned building in Spain, braced to a table, facing interrogation from Kara/33 and Ward. Naturally, Bobbi wouldn't break, and she took quite the beating and torture (like the awesome agent she is). Eventually she worked her brackets loose (not the best restraint. I'm not into that stuff, but even I know handcuffs are the way to go) and began kicking Ward's *** all over the place. It's only when Kara/33 joined the fight that she lost. Then she was tied up and (presumably) handcuffed to a chair and facing an even worse punishment that she didn't really deserve: being forced to watch while somebody who came to rescue her took a bullet from a rigged gun Ward set up. May, Hunter, and co. came in the base, and Ward and Kara/33 started off with the high ground. They took out two of the SHIELD agents that came to rescue Bobbi, but May figured that out quickly and set a trap. With her last agent by her side and Hunter locating Bobbi, she radioed the others saying that she was going to meet up with the rest at the south corner and not lower their arms until they saw her face. Think about that. Kara/33 still has that techno-mask thing we saw in Cap'n 'Murica 2: the Frosty Soldier. Kara/33 heard this, and so did Ward. They both converged at the South Corner, Kara/33 wearing May's face, and Ward with a gun. Ward shot Kara/33 in the gut multiple times and killed her. (Yay! More character trauma for Ward!) And that concludes Ward's adventures with Kara the facemorpher.
Back to Inhumans V SHIELD.
SHIELD's made it onto the boat, and we see our first bout of the emotional dilemma between Jia-Ying and the good Cal. Cal begins pleading for Jia-Ying to stop, but then Jia-Ying has Gordo the Weirdo port Cal into a locked room (how exactly does he get out?), where he sits until the end of the episode when he's needed. Meanwhile Gordon is facing off against Mack, Coulson, and Fitz (Science, Biyatch) in the HVAC room. The fight starts off well for Gordon, using his teleport powers to get the upper hand. But then Fitz uses his magic teleport-jammers and Gordon's trapped to that specific area. The fight that ensues leaves Gordon with a pipe to the gut. But he has one last trick up his sleeve (literally). With his dying breath he says "Sic Semper Tyrannus" he drops a G2 Terri-Crystal. But Coulson catches it! AND OMG COULSON'S HAND!1!! NOBODY SAW THAT COMING (C'mon. Anybody who didn't see that coming must've forgotten what the Diviners did when someone who isn't worthy touches them.) So Mack chops off Coulson's hand to stop the infection from spreading a la Rick Grimes. Yay! Coulson escaped death again! So now onto our final conflict of the day: Cal and Skye V Jia-Ying.
To get up to this conflict, we've gotta go through the Ginga-Ninja, who is obviously the coolest Inhuman because she can make tangible copies of herself who can all think on their own. Skye starts off by fight 5 at once, but then Lincoln and May come to help out! Lincoln shocks the source Ginga-Ninja with his magic lightning (after Skye escaped to confront her mom). Oh, and by the way, I forgot to mention what happened to Bobbi earlier. She scooted her scootable chair (boo on Ward's part for leaving her unsecured AGAIN) in front of the high powered auto gun, and when Hunter enters the door, she gets shot instead of Hunter. Later they say there's an exit wound, so why didn't Hunter get shot too?
Now we've finally made it to the end of the episode. The end of the season. The end of the series? (heck no. Season three's already been confirmed!). Jia Ying and two of her goons are about to get on a quinjet and drop terri-bombs everywhere and devastate mankind (which they happens inadvertently later). But then suddenly Skye! She confronts her mom, and then Jia-Ying (after telling her goons to get on the quinjet with the crystals) starts sucking Skye's life out like she did with the other agent kid at the start of the episode. Only this takes way. Too. Long. It only took about five seconds the first time. Here it takes way longer (I know I know. Plot convenience). Long enough so suddenly a Cal appears (How did he get out of that room?)! But before that, Skye kinda pushed the quinjet overboard. Dumping hundreds of Terri-crystals into the ocean full of sea life that we eat every day. So after that, Cal arrives and starts talking. Jia-Ying stops her life-sucking, but she still believes that the only way to a path of peace is to only let the Inhumans live on Earth. So Cal crushes her ribcage. No more coming back for Jia-Ying. And this my friends, ends our conflicts for the episode.
Bobbi got back to SHIELD and lives, but she says she's leaving (prepping for that Hunter and Bobbi spinoff!), Ward is starting a new Hydra, and Cal goes through the Tahiti protocol (the one that Fury put Coulson through after he was healed with magic Kree blood(which brings the question: if Coulson had Kree DNA in him like Skye, Lincoln, and Jia-Ying, even though they were from different sources, why did the crystal affect him in that way?)) and Cal became a vet who is especially fond of Golden Retrievers. Coulson and Skye are also starting a new team. Kind of a mini-Avengers. Only one that's always in the dark. So a black-ops Avengers (with the Ginga-Ninjas I hope!). And this ends the episode.
jk. Simmons gets swallowed up by that liquid rock thing (Fitz knocked open the container), and those crystals released all their gas in the water (specifically into a school of fish), so I guess the fish were compatible with Diviners because they didn't turn to rock. Then those same fish were turned into fish oil pills of death, and technically almost all of Earth's water supply just became tainted, so how's that going to be remedied?
tl;dr: Inhumans try to kill SHIELD, and ultimately the whole world. SHIELD stops them. Bobbi escapes Ward and Kara/33. Jia-Ying dies. Kara/33 dies. Raina dies. Coulson loses a hand. Simmons gets swallowed up by a rock. Terrigen crystals make fish-oil pills of death. And Ward brings back Hydra.
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