What if...
What if the mastermind behind the World War II Nazis wasn't actually Hitler, but Hitler's dog.
What if Hitler's dog, Blondi, was manipulating Hitler into doing what he did so that Blondi could then take over the world. Once America and the rest of the allied forces were out of the picture, Blondi would take over the world, reinstate dogs as the world leaders, and make Hitler his primary butler. But America knew about this. So they sent in a black ops team to take out Blondi. Once Blondi was out of the picture, it was all downhill. Near the end of the war, when Hitler found Blondi's body. He committed suicide so that he could be with his dog forever.
And then America covered everything up because 'Murica.
Now I'll patiently wait for the black helicopters.
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