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and it was a wonderful adventure

Lady Kopaka


I will hold the experiences and joy close to my heart, and not forget all the friendships formed and solidified.


I really don't have much to say. I'm almost speechless. I could spend a long time rambling about the details, but admittedly, I'm fatigued beyond belief and may pass on that. Perhaps later I will. But for now, know that it was the highlight of my year.


Things have been really hard on me for a long time. Finances and life and health. So hard. There were times recently where I wasn't sure I was going to make it. But I have. I found some inner strength, by what seems a miracle, a few weeks before Brickfair. It carried on and helped me survive through the eventful convention.


So much fun and amazing memories. I met old friends and new ones. I am reminded why I am friends with who. Reminded that I still have the ability to make new friendships. That I should try harder to stay in touch and trust people to accept me for who I am. People were so good to me, I'm blown away by everyone's love and kindness when I had a abrasive point over the weekend. You were all so supportive and I confess, had a moment of teary eyes earlier thinking over it. Soft spoken love, genuine hugs, encouraging words.


The convention itself was oddly...odd. Turnout was small it felt compared to the last time I went. But regardless, I had a lot of fun seeing the amazing LEGO and BIONICLE creations.


Sorry if I did not get to spend time or even speak much with some people. This year I tried really hard to hang out with many, which I felt that I somewhat succeeded at, but again, I apologize if I had accidentally ignored anyone. I had a lot going on near the end of the convention and was not completely myself.


I want to thank TLH and Turakii for sponsoring me to make it up there as well as hosting me at your place and being so loving, I consider you family. Thank you Bionicle Raptor/Brappy Hour for being such an amazing friend and gentleman--you really were there for me. ChocolateFrogs for picking me up at the airport and just being a great friend in general--thanks for the book suggestions too! Aanchir--for hanging with me, being fun, and supportive. Kayru, thank you for being there when I needed consoling and love. Thank you AT for letting me hang around and you were such a kind and considerate person. I guess I must not forget about Team Farm Animals for letting me be part of some of the shenanigans too! Thank you. Thank you.


There are a bunch whom I am forgetting to mention, and I hope you can forgive me. I'm just tired and spoke the ones that came to mind immediately. I'm going to try hard this week to send a note to everyone I met with a word of thanks and a offering of friendship. I'd love to stay in contact with you all, if willing.


Again, had such an amazing time. Will definitely be back next year!! Maybe even go to a few other LEGO conventions in the future? Hmm.

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Glad you had fun! You should definitely look into BrickFair Alabama next year - it's smaller and more relaxed, but there's still plenty of fun to be had!

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So glad that BrickFair was such a good experience for you overall. I can tell you from experience that it wouldn't have been nearly as much fun for me if you hadn't been there!

As much as it made me worry those times you were feeling tired or anxious or overwhelmed, I still cherished every opportunity I had to hang out with you, whether it was talking and laughing over dinner or just relaxing behind the Bionicle table. And some of my own worries were ameliorated by knowing how many good friends you had taking care of you.

I hope the post-con blues don't hit you too hard, and that next time you're feeling down, you will be able to look back on this experience and smile!

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Glad you had fun! You should definitely look into BrickFair Alabama next year - it's smaller and more relaxed, but there's still plenty of fun to be had!

I will for sure next year! Now that my finances are more secure and my car woes are hopefully over, it'll be a easy two hour trip over there for me!


So glad that BrickFair was such a good experience for you overall. I can tell you from experience that it wouldn't have been nearly as much fun for me if you hadn't been there!


As much as it made me worry those times you were feeling tired or anxious or overwhelmed, I still cherished every opportunity I had to hang out with you, whether it was talking and laughing over dinner or just relaxing behind the Bionicle table. And some of my own worries were ameliorated by knowing how many good friends you had taking care of you.


I hope the post-con blues don't hit you too hard, and that next time you're feeling down, you will be able to look back on this experience and smile!

Definitely! You were amazing to me Scott, and I had so much fun hanging with you!


They have hit me, but not too hard--I'm fondly remembering all the fun I've had and makes me excited for the future Brickfair in VA!

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We didn't get to spend a lot of time together- but the time we did I cherish deeply. I hope it's obvious after this weekend that even though we don't talk a lot, you are an important person to me and to many others, and we will always do what we can to keep you going, and to keep you well. You are our friend! I'm so glad you were here this year. :)

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I didn't spend a lot of time around the Bionicle table but the times that I stopped by it looked like you were having fun which is great. :) The short times I did get to stop and talk to you and others were nice and I'm glad I got to see you. Hopefully in future events I'll spend more time with BZPower members and see you again!

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It was SO NICE TO MEET YOU and I had a lot of fun and it was so great AND SEE YOU NEXT YEAR AGH IT'S GOING TO BE EVEN BETETR

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I've always known you were a sweetheart, and I'm glad I actually got to witness your personality and your wonderful heart in person. I will ALWAYS be available for support and an open ear (and hugs when we can!). You're the sweetest. :3

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