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BrickFair VA Pictures

Jedi Master J.


Hey, folks. I am back one more time to share some stuff from the vacation last week. I promise I won't talk about it anymore after this entry. So yeah, this is my last entry on the subject (until next year, if I go again). If you hadn't read my day recap, here are some links: Days 1, 2+3, 4, 5


But anyway, enough talk, here's some links to my BrickFair VA pictures:



- Mixed

- Mosaic

- Towns


Apologizes for quality of pictures, these were taken from my TracFone phone and my hands also kind shake a lot when people are nearby, so that doesn't help things either. Oh, and I don't think I got everything (I do think that I got most of BIONICLE Table though), so if you want better coverage of it, you should just wait for BZPower's. I mean they are going to better photos anyway (And it will probably be better organized as I threw a lot into a Mixed folder.).


Beside those pictures, I have some from Air & Space Museum, if you are interested. Here's a link to Airplane stuff and Space stuff.


I think that's all I needed to share really. I mean I don't want to ramble too much as I am sure you guys are sick of me by now. I am sorry for that. Oh, here's my painting from Nuyaka. And here's what my Brick Badge looked like, if you hadn't seen it yet.


Okay, one last thing to share and I'll be gone, its a bit random, but I had this again with me at BrickFair VA. I had it with me mostly because I was considering the idea of giving people a TNG Miru, if they wanted it (I mean I did buy these Miru to give people, after all. Not to hoard in a canister for myself.). That and well, maybe have people sign the comic. I never follow through with that idea. Maybe I'll try again next year. *shrugs*


Alright, that's enough rambling about stuff. I'll go back to feeling alone and stuff (And well, watching Original Star Trek since I started that today.). Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you all are having a good weekend. Talk to you later, BZPers.


- JMJ 2015


P.S. - I'll be checking out Zelda Symphony again in September. I can't wait. It should be a fun Friday evening.

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I think they are nice pictures! There's a few MOCs that I must have missed, thanks for the shares.


Hey, I'm not sick of you! I'm glad I'm checking blogs out more these days. Yours is always a must to read.

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