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Garreg Mach

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Join a BZP Story - DISTORTION! (Signups Closed)

Gentlefolk of BZPower, it is my pleasure to announce...


Distortion is an anthology of short stories starring YOU, BZPower members. 8 BZPower authors (possibly 9, maybe even 10!) will each be writing stories of varying length (anywhere from your standard SS to a mini epic) starring BZPower members. All of these stories will be published as a part of this anthology.


For those of you that remember Extermination - Distortion takes place in the same universe. However, it is important to note that Distortion is standalone! As such, no prior reading will be necessary, and at the moment, no sequels are planned. We're just missing one thing - characters. That's where you all come in, because we would love it if you could all sign up and join us for the ride! :)


Just fill out the form below and post it in the comments, and you will be featured in at least one (if not more!) of the stories.


Name: (Self-explanatory; I'd prefer your display name, or most commonly known variant)

Gender: (Also self-explanatory, I think. This can be anything - what you personally identify as, or what you'd like the character to identify as)

Element 1: (This is your preferred element; canon elements only, please. For those unaware, here they are: Fire, Water, Air, Ice, Stone, Earth, Gravity, Magnetism, Light, Shadow, Plantlife, Psionics, Plasma, Sonics, Lightning, Iron)

Element 2: (If I find that too many people have the same element above, I'll look at this one)

Other: (Any additional info you want to include; keep in mind that we will use the stuff here as a basis of inspiration, not as actual backstory. This section can include a weapon your character favors, or perhaps their personality....)



Firstly: Obviously, my fellow co-authors for this anthology can sign up as characters as well.

As of right now, Distortion has no set release date; once signups have closed and I have discussed it with my co-authors, the official release date shall be announced.


"What about your co-authors?" I'm sure you're all asking.

Well... I'll announce who they all are soon.


I am still looking for one more co-author. If you might be interested in taking on that role, just say so in the comments! Even if you only wish to contribute a one-chapter SS to the anthology, we would be happy to have you!


Signups will remain open until September 15th. The sooner you sign up, the higher your chances of playing a major role in any of the stories!

  • Upvote 14


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Don't see why you're starting something new when VERSUS and Desolation both remain un-updated.

  • Upvote 3


I'm starting this now because it is a project that will be worked on behind the scenes for quite some time, but requires some short term input in order to both aid and kickstart the process.



I'm starting this now because it is a project that will be worked on behind the scenes for quite some time, but requires some short term input in order to both aid and kickstart the process.

Okay, I trust you.




I'm starting this now because it is a project that will be worked on behind the scenes for quite some time, but requires some short term input in order to both aid and kickstart the process.

Okay, I trust you.



Once the end of this countdown is hit it'll become a lot clearer; I just don't want to spoil any surprises. =P



What's the next word gonna be? Incineration? Annhialation?


And if you put this in a crossword puzzle, do we end up with Santa?


I think i see it now... That was very crafty of you, playing Desolation before you announced this.




Edit: Double comment merged.




Because I can't let this sort of entry go without my grubby handprints all over it


Name: Xaeraz
Gender: Male
Element 1: Iron
Element 2: Magnetism (as if he's not going to get iron)
Other: Xaeraz looks like he was thrown together from spare parts, being a bit of a mess in terms of body and mind both. He's more than a bit unhinged, as evidenced by the way his shambling mass of a body seems to contain endless hidden weapons, each more vicious than the last, and the way his mask has been fitted with curved, serrated fangs...
Assuming, of course, you're not writing about him before the accident. In which case, standard matoran, gunmetal and dark gray present, pakari with lens for bad right eye.


yes this is happening
Name: Ehksidian/Ehks/Xaron
Gender: Male
Element 1: Light (Disguised as magnetism)
Element 2: Magnetism
Other: He's normally wary of others, and doesn't easily trust them. That won't stop him from trying to do what he thinks is "right", though.



Name: fishers64 ("Agent 64" or "fishers" both are fine)
Gender: Female
Element 1: Ice
Element 2: Light 
Other: fishers is a hard and cold type. She spent a number of years slaying innocous waterfowl, and then spent several years after that killing not-so-innocent people - whoever Control wanted gone. Is incredibly efficient and prioritizes her job over just about everything else. 

Rahkshi Guurahk


I can copypaste myself, right? =P

Name: RG

Gender: Male

Element 1: I think I was plasma.

Element 2: "the Green"

As I am in the others maybe?

Or maybe something coompletely  different to screw with someone's head :P



Name: Cyrix

Gender: Male

Element 1: Electricity

Element 2: Psionics

Other: Cyrix is a psychopath, not caring who gets hurt as he tries to get his way. He likes toying with his foes, making them suffer psychologically and physically before killing them. He is dangerously intelligent, calculating yet unpredictable. His greatest weakness is his hubris. Clad in purple armor, his weapon of choice is a two-barrel shotgun.


At first, I decided I didn't want Distortion Cyrix to be like Extermination-side-bad-guy-henchman Cyrix, because he ended up dead, but here we are so

Pahrak Model ZX


Name: Pahrak

Gender: Male

Element 1: Stone

Element 2: Iron

Other: Tan and brown with a brown Great Matatu. (If Iron then gray and burnt orange with burnt orange Great Matatu.) Not usually seen unless he’s publishing a story or running the Technic Coliseum, and his habit of constantly changing his name only makes him less recognizable.  An indecisive sort who generally carries one bladed weapon or another—he has a small collection and is never sure which one he wants to use.  When asked why he is now named after a Bohrok, he tends to shrug and mutter something about preferring clean things.  Has a temper.





I really liked the character you developed in Extermination, so let's keep him around (with a modification or two).


Name: Letagi

Element 1: Plantlife

Element 2: Psionics (if for some bizarre reason you must)

Other: Letagi is a scientist. He is quick-thinking and analytical, but also has a strong conscience and moral code. He will always do the right thing, even if it's not the smartest thing. He also has an uncanny talent for survival.


Looking forward to this, Tex!





Well, I can't say I would choose myself over the lovely people above, but what the ######, I'll throw my hat into the ring:


Name: Atlas
Gender: Male
Element 1: Earth
Element 2: Gravity
Other: Says what he means and does what he says. There is not beating around the bush with him. This has resulted in him being called, "rude" or "crass," but he believes honesty is important. In addition, he is known for complimenting people on their looks, skills, and actions, but on the flip side can be quite a critic about almost anything.



 Too bad this didn't come out later in the month; I would love to Co-Author, but I'm wrapped up in my own writings as of the moment.

Toa Smoke Monster


I'm in on this. B-)


Name: Toa Smoke Monster (Or just 'Smoke Monster,' if that is easier for you.)

Gender: Male.

Element 1: Psionics.

Element 2: Lightning.

Other: He carries a sword as his main weapon. He prefers to use it over a blaster, since blasters can make battles too easy to win in his opinion. He is a loner, but can work with others if the need was called for it.

Makuta Luroka


Name: Makuta Luroka

Gender: Male

Element 1: Shadow (disguised as Magnetism)

Element 2: Magnetism

Other notes: Mask of entropy, light absorbing sword



Name: [ Shadowhawk ]
Gender: [ Male ]
Element 1: [ Shadow ]
Element 2: [ Ice ]
Other: [ Eh... nothing in particular to add here. Y'all know my avatar character pretty well by now, I'll wager. ;) ]



Name: Pulse

Gender: Male

Element 1: Plasma

Element 2: Iron

Other: Nothing much, really. His mask is a Kakama. A bit impatient, maybe. 

Not Quite Dead


Name: Tiragath
Gender: Lad
Element 1: Stone
Element 2: come'on no one else is gonna pick stone
Other: I don't know



Name: Burnmad
Gender: Male
Element 1: Fire
Element 2: Tex pls
Other: Wields flaming sword

Zox Tomana


Name: Tomana

Gender: Male

Element 1: Iron

Element 2: Psionics (Iron >>> Psionics in preference)

Other: Prefers (if Iron/ if Psionics) [a Matatu sans telescoping optics/Volitak sans breathing apparatus], prefers to carry a knife, interested in medical applications of his element.



Everyone so far has been added to the roster!

  • Upvote 2


I'm trying this out.



Name: FF (or Veigar)

Gender: Male

Element 1: Ice

Element 2: Lightning

Others: Usually wields a scythe, wears a Miru, can be described as a sarcastic loner but helps others when he believes he's needed, not the most talkative person

Nato G


Name: Nato, the Oz-Matoran.
Gender: Male.
Element 1: Plantlife (specialising in cactuses and other desert plants). 
Element 2: The power to drink lots of beer.
Other: Stereotypical aussie kind of character - drinks beer, rides kangaroos, talks with an accent, and wields a boomerang as his weapon of choice. 

  • Upvote 3
Blessed Blade


Name: Blade
Gender: Female
Element 1: Lightning
Element 2: lol
Other: Wears a modified Miru. If wielding a sword, she likely wields a long-sword styled one, but can vary. Not proficient with most weapons other than a gun and sword.

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