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Garreg Mach

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Join a BZP Story - DISTORTION! (Signups Closed)



Gentlefolk of BZPower, it is my pleasure to announce...


Distortion is an anthology of short stories starring YOU, BZPower members. 8 BZPower authors (possibly 9, maybe even 10!) will each be writing stories of varying length (anywhere from your standard SS to a mini epic) starring BZPower members. All of these stories will be published as a part of this anthology.


For those of you that remember Extermination - Distortion takes place in the same universe. However, it is important to note that Distortion is standalone! As such, no prior reading will be necessary, and at the moment, no sequels are planned. We're just missing one thing - characters. That's where you all come in, because we would love it if you could all sign up and join us for the ride! :)


Just fill out the form below and post it in the comments, and you will be featured in at least one (if not more!) of the stories.


Name: (Self-explanatory; I'd prefer your display name, or most commonly known variant)

Gender: (Also self-explanatory, I think. This can be anything - what you personally identify as, or what you'd like the character to identify as)

Element 1: (This is your preferred element; canon elements only, please. For those unaware, here they are: Fire, Water, Air, Ice, Stone, Earth, Gravity, Magnetism, Light, Shadow, Plantlife, Psionics, Plasma, Sonics, Lightning, Iron)

Element 2: (If I find that too many people have the same element above, I'll look at this one)

Other: (Any additional info you want to include; keep in mind that we will use the stuff here as a basis of inspiration, not as actual backstory. This section can include a weapon your character favors, or perhaps their personality....)



Firstly: Obviously, my fellow co-authors for this anthology can sign up as characters as well.

As of right now, Distortion has no set release date; once signups have closed and I have discussed it with my co-authors, the official release date shall be announced.


"What about your co-authors?" I'm sure you're all asking.

Well... I'll announce who they all are soon.


I am still looking for one more co-author. If you might be interested in taking on that role, just say so in the comments! Even if you only wish to contribute a one-chapter SS to the anthology, we would be happy to have you!


Signups will remain open until September 15th. The sooner you sign up, the higher your chances of playing a major role in any of the stories!

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Recommended Comments

Name: Nevermore, also goes by Nev.

Gender: Male.

Element 1: Ice.

Element 2: Earth.

Other: Wears matte-black armor and a noble Shelek (sans fangs). The armor is his left arm is heavier and seems to be somwhat deformed. Talks in an overly calm way that makes people think he is always angry. Does not appear to carry any weapons.

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(nick)Name- Underscore

Gender- Male

Element 1- Earth

Element 2- Snot

Other- Carries no weapon or tool of any sort. Talkative and eccentric. Always trying to get someone to laugh

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Name: Jedindy (but "Jed" or "Jig" works)

Gender: Male

Element 1: Plantlife

Element 2: Ice

Other: While he enjoys being around others, he doesn't enjoy interacting with them. As such, he can be hard for others to read. However, when he is passionate about something, he acts obsessively about it. He also does enjoy being a help to other people, and will do things on his own to benefit others, regardless if they could be considered morally right. His primary armor color is blue, his secondary is teal, and he wears a blue Kanohi Komau. He carries a staff with a rounded end, and he has a slight hunch.

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Name: Sumaka

Element 1: Air

Element 2: Plantlife

Other: She loves to use disk like weapons such as Kanoka. Sumaka is an energetic thrill seeker who constantly wants to move around and can be seen swinging off vines, flying through the air on airborne rahi or even running across flat ground. 

Her great Kaukau is metallic green in color with a fluorescent bright green visor, dark green joints and bright green limbs. Behind her mask, Sumaka's eyes are fluorescent blue. The matoran's hands are lime green in color. 

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Because why not. It's a little bare bones, but I can elaborate if you wish me to.


Name: Daronus
Gender: Male

Element 1:

Element 2: Gravity
Other: Daronus is a wandering mercenary, never stopping in the same area for more than a week. He’s a mysterious character, and doesn’t disclose much about who he is, other than the fact that he won’t tolerate oppression or negative propaganda.

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Ooh, this looks awesome!


Name: Silo

Gender: Male

Element 1: Gravity

Element 2: Psionics

Other: Silo is a bounty hunter, specializing in stealthy assassination. He carries a sniper rifle. He's logical and deadpan.

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I forgot to mention this in my character post, but I would be interested in being a co-author. I may only be able to do a couple chapters, but I want to help. Would that be possible? Thanks!

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Name: Unit

Gender: Male
Element 1: Magnetism
Element 2: Sonics
Other: Wears a Noble Akaku. Prefers chain/whip type weapons. You could go with his Isolation personality, or make him into whatever - your call. It'd be nice if he could keep his robotic arm and leg though, even if he's not Isolation Unit.




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Name: Sony
Gender: Male
Element 1: Plasma
Element 2: Sonics
Other: Likes swords and shields, and wears a kanohi calix. Generally awkward in social situations, though quite good in a fight, although he usually hangs back and plays defensive.

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Kayn will be sneaky again!....Ohhh my bad haha


Name: Kayn
Gender: Male
Element 1: Earth
Element 2: Ice
Other: Kayn strives to have a just attitude and dispensed his punishment with a modified air katana!

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