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No, you just don't understand.



G2 has ruined everything characteristic to Bionicle. Back in 2001, there are two things that every fan loved about G1 - that romance was banned and that there was no time travel. This is one of the most important things that drew every new fan in.


Now, G2 Bionicle has thrown that key to Bionicle's success out the window, by including romance and time travel in their most popular franchise. That saved Lego from financial collapse. That franchise is called Ninjago.


Evergreen theme?! I tell you, Ninjago has ruined Bionicle! They stole half the story elements from Ninjago and put them in Bionicle, like the battle between brothers and the skeleton army and those mindless point-and-shoot app games that waste young kids time when they should be building complex Technic sets with gears, because that teaches them more relevant life skills!


I'm telling you man, I still miss those textures from the original Bionicle. Thank goodness in 2016 Lego FINALLY decided to bring them back. Please Lego, more of this. Except they are still ripping off Ninjago because of that Journey to One thing. Please, no more childish humor and lame action sequences where no one actually dies. We've been suffering from that for 10 years, it's time for a change.


BRING BACK BIONICLE!!! Or else I'm going to STORM BILLUND, I tell you!





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The scary thing is how many of these complaints I've seen from people being completely serious. I've seen quite a few comments about Bionicle "ripping off" Ninjago by using skeletons as enemies or calling its characters "Master of *insert element here*". Neither Ninjago nor Bionicle invented those concepts. I mean when you get right down to it, LEGO Castle had a skeleton army before either Ninjago OR Bionicle! And both themes consciously took inspiration from other media that preceded them in many, many other ways.

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The scary thing is how many of these complaints I've seen from people being completely serious. I've seen quite a few comments about Bionicle "ripping off" Ninjago by using skeletons as enemies or calling its characters "Master of *insert element here*". Neither Ninjago nor Bionicle invented those concepts. I mean when you get right down to it, LEGO Castle had a skeleton army before either Ninjago OR Bionicle! And both themes consciously took inspiration from other media that preceded them in many, many other ways.


Given that Ninjago and BIONICLE are also both made by LEGO, it's absolutely ludicrous to state that BIONICLE is ripping off NInjago in any way... because then LEGO would be ripping off from... themselves... which is kind of hard to do unless there are two different companies named LEGO. 

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The scary thing is how many of these complaints I've seen from people being completely serious. I've seen quite a few comments about Bionicle "ripping off" Ninjago by using skeletons as enemies or calling its characters "Master of *insert element here*". Neither Ninjago nor Bionicle invented those concepts. I mean when you get right down to it, LEGO Castle had a skeleton army before either Ninjago OR Bionicle! And both themes consciously took inspiration from other media that preceded them in many, many other ways.


Given that Ninjago and BIONICLE are also both made by LEGO, it's absolutely ludicrous to state that BIONICLE is ripping off NInjago in any way... because then LEGO would be ripping off from... themselves... which is kind of hard to do unless there are two different companies named LEGO. 



You're saying there's not?

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What! Romance doesn't exist! Babies come from cabbage!


 Don't know about you, but I came from a eggplant.


I was bought as SEARS, thank you.
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What! Romance doesn't exist! Babies come from cabbage!


 Don't know about you, but I came from a eggplant.


I was bought as SEARS, thank you.


(Better make sure you weren't a Kmart Bluelight special)

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What! Romance doesn't exist! Babies come from cabbage!


 Don't know about you, but I came from a eggplant.


I was bought as SEARS, thank you.


This is why you always register.

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What! Romance doesn't exist! Babies come from cabbage!


 Don't know about you, but I came from a eggplant.


I was bought as SEARS, thank you.


(Better make sure you weren't a Kmart Bluelight special)


Oh noes


My life just went plooey :C

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