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The Martian was a Comedy?!?

Toa Smoke Monster


So the 73rd Golden Globe Nominations were announced today. Here is the link for anyone who is interested in reading the full list. But there is one category that I want to point out in particular, and that is the Best Motion Picture for a Musical or Comedy. The nominees for this category are Joy, Trainwreck, Spy, The Big Short, and....The Martian? :???:


Yep, the science fiction film about an astronaut who was left on Mars because it was assumed he was dead has been nominated for the Best Motion Picture in the Musical or Comedy Category. This bewilders me because:


1. None of the cast sing any songs in the film.

2. While the film did have some funny dialogue in it, I didn't think it would have enough to be considered a comedy.


Don't get me wrong, I really liked The Martian when my Dad and I saw it back when it was in theaters. It's a great movie that recommend to those who may be interested in seeing it. But I felt that it was a drama with some funny dialogue mixed in with it. I never saw it as a comedy.


But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there is something about this that I'm missing that this category that would explain why this film was nominated in it. And if I am, I apologize in advance. But I just would've thought that The Martian would've been nominated in the Drama Category instead.


What do you guys think of this?


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It's the studios who want their movie to have a fighting chance for an award nomination/win, so they find ways to justify it being submitted in the 'musical/comedy' category rather than drama. This happens every year with the Golden Globes (see: The Tourist), and part of why it's best to just ignore this particular award entirely.


Besides, Matt Damon makes lots of snarky comments in that movie. Therefore, it is DEFINITELY a comedy.[/sarcasm]

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You know what, if it guarantees The Martian an award I'm totally cool with it even though it makes no sense


I want it and Fury Road to win all of the awards please

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You know what, if it guarantees The Martian an award I'm totally cool with it even though it makes no sense


I want it and Fury Road to win all of the awards please

how do i retweet something on bzp, pls help

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Well... in the old sense it is a comedy because it has a happy ending. Think old Shakespeare plays. The ones labeled "Tragedy" had sad endings, the "Comedies" has upbeat endings. So.... there's that??

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