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New Trailers! New Trailers Everywhere!

Toa Smoke Monster


It has been busy these last few days regarding new trailers being released for upcoming movies. The Legend of Tarzan, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Out of the Shadows, X-Men: Apocalypse, Independence Day: Resurgence, and Star Trek Beyond all released their first trailers in the last week. Every time I thought I'd post something on one, another showed up! So I'm just going to summarize my thoughts on each of them. I won't spoil anything specific about them in case anyone doesn't want to know anything about them.


The Legend of Tarzan: Here's another Animated Disney movie getting the live action treatment. This trailer really didn't do much for me, but I think it's still could be good. Based on what the trailer shows, it looks like the story is going to different in a lot of ways compared to the animated movie.


TMNT 2: Out of the Shadows: Based on this trailer, it looks like this sequel is going to have a lot more fun in it than the first movie. (It should be noted that I never saw the first TMNT movie, but I've seen reviews on it.) Everyone in it looks like they're having fun with their roles. The Turtles are also shown throughout the whole thing. I think it could mean that they will shown more in the movie, which would be a good thing because I heard one of the complaints about the first movie was that the Turtle felt like side characters to some extent. Regardless, this is one of the better trailers out of the ones released this week.


X-Men: Apocalypse: I won't go into too much details on this one, since I think they bring up some things that can't be talked about on BZP. But I will say that this trailer didn't get me the same feeling that the first trailer for Days of Future Past left me with. I loved that first trailer for DoFP. The music in it, the tone of it. It gave me the feeling that it has going to take you on some epic journey. The ending line of it still gives me chills when I hear it. The Apocalypse trailer doesn't excite me for its movie as much as the that trailer did for its own. But that's not to say the trailer was bad. It had a lot of cool stuff in it. And Apocalypse looks cool in it too. It just didn't raise my interest in the movie as much as I wanted it to.


Independence Day: Resurgence: Another trailer for a movie that didn't excite me too much. There's really nothing much to say about this except that, obviously, the aliens have returned. (I'm not really spoiling anything by saying that. :P) It does look like it might have some neat ideas in it though. We'll see how well the movie uses them when it is released.


Star Trek Beyond: Out of all these trailers, this one is the most interesting to me. It looks like its going to be a fun movie, kind of like what I said about TMNT 2. It definitely has some funny moments in it. I've really enjoyed the last two Star Trek movies, so hopefully this one lives up to the hype as well.


So those are my summarized thoughts on these trailers. I'm looking forward to seeing X-Men and Star Trek the most. The others I may or may not see in theaters. I haven't decided yet. What do you guys think about these trailers?

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Yeah, you and I have the same general opinions, although I am curious to see the Trekkie reaction to the Beyond trailer, as it doesn't seem to be going back to old-school Star Trek like they were hoping. Also, the new Tarzan is not a Disney movie, it's by Warner Bros.

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Yeah, you and I have the same general opinions, although I am curious to see the Trekkie reaction to the Beyond trailer, as it doesn't seem to be going back to old-school Star Trek like they were hoping. Also, the new Tarzan is not a Disney movie, it's by Warner Bros.

Yeah, based on people's posts on Youtube, they don't seem to like where the story for the Star Trek is going. Though posts on Youtube are, well, everyone already knows about them. :P


On Tarzan, I guess I skipped over it being made by Warner Bros. I guess that explains why the story is so different. But my comment about 'another animated Disney being turned into a live action movie' was more of a comment about this was being done to animated Disney movies in general, not just this one.

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Yeah, you and I have the same general opinions, although I am curious to see the Trekkie reaction to the Beyond trailer, as it doesn't seem to be going back to old-school Star Trek like they were hoping. 

Exploring planets/unknown IS old-school Star Trek. (Not to mention hair-raising ship malfunctions as a result of the unknown being unknown.)


It's 2016, though, so they had to add in the explosions and the Mission Impossible stunts to get people in the theatre. 

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The Legend of Tarzan: Here's another Animated Disney movie getting the live action treatment. This trailer really didn't do much for me, but I think it's still could be good. Based on what the trailer shows, it looks like the story is going to different in a lot of ways compared to the animated movie.

This isn't a Disney movie, although the confusion is understandable. It's a Warner Brothers film.


Oh hey I can't read.


Apparently Fantastic Beasts will be dropping a trailer too, soon. You'll have to edit this post tomorrow, I think, which is when the 'trailer for the trailer' is rumored to debut. We also got one for Spielberg's "The BFG" this week, which is the movie I'm most looking forward to (at least, amongsts the recent trailer drops).

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