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Reminiscence Of A Kohaku



Today marks a very important day for me. Today I got my four year spinny:

IPB Image


I can honestly say, its hard to believe I've stayed here so long. But, I think I'll invite you all with me to the past, when I was a newb with a short story of when I joined.


When I first found BZPower, I honestly didn't know what to think of it, although I was surprised that there was such a large Bionicle site. The first thing I remember thinking is what is a forum? I was utterly clueless when I joined. Although, I eventually figured out a lot of things myself after reading through the help topics back in the day.


Believe it or not, I actually had a rocky start on BZPower, when I was a newb, I did break a rule. Mfuss took proto away from me and I honestly hated the feeling of losing proto. (I was a newb back then and I don't even remember what the rule was.) Although, I tried not to let the fact that I made a mistake get to me. What I did was I improved myself by learning the rules and helping out. I learned from my mistake and that helped me become how I am today. Within a short amount of time I did gain my proto back as well as gain other proto points.


Things went on for me as a normal member when in June of 2004 there was a promotion for Premier Membership. After June the price was to go up, so I ended up getting a Lifetime Premier Membership and I got to give a free year of Premier Membership to a friend of mine who is sadly, no longer active.


More time passed and things were great, plenty of fun topics and discussions (especially some of the April Fools Day pranks) things were great. But in the beginning of 2006 I was slowly losing interest in BZPower and Bionicle. Until one fateful day when the Blogs came. My interest was restored and I became more active, primarily in the Blogs. The Blogs were a ton of fun back when they first started (they still are :P) and I eventually went on to win BotW #15. One of the big surprises I had last year.


The biggest was yet to come. On October 12, 2006 I was promoted to my current position of Blog assistant. I learned a lot from Makaru when I was promoted. I must say, I'm glad I took the position, it was and still is worth it.


So, after awhile Nukora and Shine were promoted to BA and a few changes were made, such as the addition of BlogAlert. Eventually I was told about LGD #5 from a few of my friends here, so I decided that I'd enter. Little did I know, I'd win 2nd place. Which nabbed me a free year of Premier Membership. Which was of no use to me... so I put some names of friends into a hat and drew one from my Bionicle hat. The winner was CzaR. And that was the second year of Premier Membership I had given away.


Skip forward a couple of months and here we are.


Heres to many more years on BZPower! *raises glass filled with soda*


And that is the short version....




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I see you forgot to tell about my awesomeness and how it helped you reach 5 star rank in Hunters.




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