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yo eyru why do u never blog



so I realized I made seven whole blog posts in 2015, and I am well on my way to breaking that record in 2016 because I have posted zero posts and it's already April.


sorry guys I know you expect so much more of me.


I thought it might be fun to do something with this blog though. you know, because it's here and all, so why not, right? I used to hold name-changing contests which were fun, but now that I'm an FA I'm not allowed to change my name, so that's out.


(take a moment to weep, dear reader. it's ok)


anyway, I've got some ideas floating around, but I want to hear what you guys think. do you want daily entries that chronicle my life in exquisite detail? little contests/challenges? mini-essays on 19th-century poetry? (I'm really good at those lol)


sound off and let me know what's on your mind!


Recommended Comments

Emily Dickenson and Walt Whitman? 


Also, what is the doll in the top content block of your blog?


her name is gillian & she is my spirit animal -E

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