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BZPower Shirts up for grabs! - Entry Locked

Today's the last day to grab one of these BZPower shirts!


You have till 11:30 PM EST today to grab one of these shirts...


The Shirt Giveaway is officially over! Thanks to all that took part in it. :)




Hey, folks.


As mention in my last few entries, I have a bunch of BZPower shirts that I brought from Brappy Hour's leftover shirts lot awhile back (Like two or so years ago, to be exact. XD). And well, I figure its about time that I put them up for grabs for you folks that miss out on them or just couldn't afford them at the time, etc.


So yeah, here's the list of shirts up for grabs:


- 6 5 4 Small 2012 BZP Shirts - Claimed by Black Six (1), Naina (1) > 4 Left


- 1 Large 2013 BZP Shirt - Claimed by Makuta Luroka > All Gone!


- 7 6 5 4 Small 2014 BZP Shirts - Claimed by Nescent (1), Lucina (1), Unit (1) > 4 Left


- 2 1 Medium 2014 BZP Shirts - Claimed by Ehksidian (1), Lord Oblivion (1) > All Gone!


- 4 Large 2014 BZP Shirts - Claimed by V-N (1), ~Shockwave~ (1), Hordaki (1), AZBlue (1) > All Gone!


The shirts are free and there is no charge for shipping (I will also ship overseas if needed.).


Also I did not create these shirts (Brappy Hour did and is currently creating a Piraka theme shirt for this year's BrickFair VA) and I cannot recreate them, so what you see above is all I have.


So if you are interest in one of these shirts, please leave a comment to let me know which one and what size.


That's about it. Oh, wait, I almost forgot to mention this... If I still I have shirts leftover by July 4th 11th, I will closed this blog entry and drop off whatever leftover to a nearby Purple Heart station, so you have till July 4th 11th to claim one of these shirts.


Okay, that's all I got to say for this entry. Once again, if you want one of the shirts, please leave a comment letting me know which one and what size. Oh, and thanks for taking the time to read this. I hope you all have a great day. Talk to you later, BZPers.


- JMJ 2016

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Kaleidoscope Tekulo


Unfortunately I am fat and cannot comfortably pull off a large. I hope these shirts get a nice home though!

  • Upvote 2


I'll take one of the small 2014 shirts...I've always wanted a BZP tee-shirt.

  • Upvote 2


Can I grab a medium 2014 shirt please?


Thank you so much for doing this, man.

  • Upvote 2


I want to have the will to refuse your legendary kindness, but oh man the temptation is just too great. If I may humbly ask for a large 2014 shirt?

  • Upvote 2


May I have a large 2014 please?


Your boundless well of giving never ceases to amaze me JMJ.


(That kind of sounds sarcastic when I read it in my head but it isn't...)

  • Upvote 2


I'll take a 2014 large, thanks!

  • Upvote 2


I'd like the last 2014 large.

  • Upvote 2


ugh i like the 2012 design but the 2014 colors



if i weren't small and skinny as all heck this wouldn't be an issue




2014 small i guess

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Black Six


I would love a small 2012 shirt.

  • Upvote 1


I'm a girl so I figure a small would fit me. Could I claim a small 2012?

  • Upvote 1
Lord Oblivion


Could I snag a medium 2014 shirt? 

  • Upvote 1


Hi, am i in time to get a medium one? That would be awesome thanks :D

  • Upvote 1
Jedi Master J.


Alright, first off, apologizes for the wait. My mind was all over the place last week, so this kind of slipped my mind unfortunately. So yeah, I am sorry about that. I'll try to get these shirts out next Friday (15th) for you folks.


But anyway, since I didn't get around to closing this on July 4th, I am going to extend the deadline to grab one of these shirts to Monday (11th).


After all, I didn't promo this entry much during the final week, so it seems only fair. So if you are someone that missed this entry, here's your last chance to grab what left of the shirts (Which at this point is just small shirts).




@ToaTom: Unfortunately Lord Oblivion claim the last medium BZP shirt first, so I don't have any left. Sorry.


- JMJ 2016



I'll take a small 2014.




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