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Make the Internet Great Again!



Hey guys, important PSA.


The Internet is a pretty awful place. Tons of people yelling into the void, and I can't stop reading it all for some reason. So I'm asking all citizens of the Internet to do their part in making it a better place. It's not an easy task, but I think if we all take small steps, we can see some real change.


Remember how as a society we decided not to do chain email forwarding? I mean, that did just morph into tagging people in the comments sections of random Facebook memes, but we managed to end the practice.


What I'm asking everyone to do today is to stop perpetuating made up holidays.


Apparently it's National Best Friends Day?


That's not a thing. That's definitely not a thing. No one gets time off, they don't make greeting cards for it, it isn't to commemorate the martyrdom of St. Bestius Friendius. It's not a thing. Stop posting about it.


Here's SPIRIT's patented guide to figuring out whether a holiday is real:


National + X + Day = Not a holiday


X may represent any term, and if it's surrounded by the words "national" and "day", it's not a holiday.



Let us all band together as a society this day and vow never to acknowledge the existence of these made up holidays. Let us forever remember today as National Don't Share Made Up Holidays Day. Let us --



Aw dangit...

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i think national x day would be a great thing to celebrate.

If we do that, am I gonna have to buy flowers for all my former girlfriends?
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i think national x day would be a great thing to celebrate.

If we do that, am I gonna have to buy flowers for all my former girlfriends?


not national ex day

national x day.

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Except today is national not-giving-a-care day. [Hint, it's actually every day.]


i think national x day would be a great thing to celebrate.

I could get behind that. B-)



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Before we do that, can we get rid of all the ads? I think that would be a massive improvement.

Sounds like you need Adblock.

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Before we do that, can we get rid of all the ads? I think that would be a massive improvement.

Sounds like you need Adblock.


I have it, I can't see them but they're still there, haunting me. And it doesn't work on the Hulu apps so I still have dumb commercials there. Honestly I'm watching a half an hour show, 4 "breaks" is just not okay. Especialy when they have like, 3 commercials. I wasn't going to see the Warcraft movie before, now I'm not going to see it just to prove a point.

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"Make the internet great again" as if it hasn't always been a festering pool of hot liquid garbage


I'm sure Spirit meant "great" as in size. Kinda like the Great Lakes (which fittingly enough are also filled with garbage)

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