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Checking in

Lady Kopaka


Hi everyone. Long time no chat.


Nothing very new or important to report. Just struggling to get by. Hoping to start seeing a light at the end of the black hole, you know?


I'll be going to brickfair in VA this year again. Who else is coming?


I'm not really sure what else to say, hmm. Anyone want to throw questions at me? Or how is everyone else? Summer going well so far?

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I have a question.



In your opinion, if a train leaves Boston travelled at 100 km/h, while another train leaves Denver travelling on a parallel track at 78 mph, and the conductor on the first train fires a gun while facing west at a 16 degree angle while the moon is in its first waxing phase, and the American dollar is trading for 99 pesos, and Jim wants to sit next to Sarah, but won't sit across from anyone wearing green... solve for X.

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I will not be there but I will be sending a representative in the form of a Bird Robot. Contained within will be a shipment of good vibes and other positive witchcraft from us to you!

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I have a question.



In your opinion, if a train leaves Boston travelled at 100 km/h, while another train leaves Denver travelling on a parallel track at 78 mph, and the conductor on the first train fires a gun while facing west at a 16 degree angle while the moon is in its first waxing phase, and the American dollar is trading for 99 pesos, and Jim wants to sit next to Sarah, but won't sit across from anyone wearing green... solve for X.

no. no spirit. just no.



I will not be there but I will be sending a representative in the form of a Bird Robot. Contained within will be a shipment of good vibes and other positive witchcraft from us to you!

sad you're not going to be there! but, the bird robot?? a shipment of good vibes?? :D i'm excited!

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I won't make it to Brickfair this year unfortunately, and idk if I ever will again tbh. I'll have AT greet everyone on my behalf again this year though


I hope all is well with you and you have a great time at Brickfair!

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I have a question.



In your opinion, if a train leaves Boston travelled at 100 km/h, while another train leaves Denver travelling on a parallel track at 78 mph, and the conductor on the first train fires a gun while facing west at a 16 degree angle while the moon is in its first waxing phase, and the American dollar is trading for 99 pesos, and Jim wants to sit next to Sarah, but won't sit across from anyone wearing green... solve for X.

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