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You have 24 hours to live. What do you do?

Here's a situation.


"You have 24 hours to live. What do you do?"


Pretty common situation. If you have 24 hours to live, what would you do?


For me, I'd probably call my loved ones and tell them what they mean to me. I'd write some sort of story about my life and I'd organize some of my stories, concepts and ideas into files with instructions on how to expand on them. I'd probably write some sort of will as well.


What about you?


If you have 24 hours to live, what would you do?



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Taria Pakari


Teleport bread for a day, only to find out I'm not full of tumours and will live forever!

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do something stupidly spontaneous like fly to texas or something



Well, assuming I find out around, say, noon, that means I have until tomorrow


So I guess I die another day

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


Call my loved ones, finish those stories I'm reading, visit my dog's grave one last time, sing some of my favorite songs, play some of my favorite songs on my flute, let out a sigh of relief that the burdens of living will soon be over and say my final goodbyes

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: I'd do just about exactly what you would do, Soran.  I would tell my loved ones how much they mean to me, and I would absolutely send my story and character concepts to someone I love and trust so that my stories could one day be finished.  Also, I'd send them my journal, so that they could make some pretty good inferences into what I would have wanted.





I'd try and fix the things I couldn't do before, go see my old friends, tell my family i loved them, maybe even play one final game of football.


I'd probably leave the final concept for retribution somewhere so that someone could finish that thing.

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