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Dungeons and Discords

Let's get into this


Oh yes, a Discord episode. Can't have one of those without Fluttershy


Wonder how that will work out


Well, that can get taken out of context


Waitwaitwaitwait. Where are her wings? Or have I never noticed Twilight didn't have them in the theme song?


They're so doing this on purpose


Just lie


Yes, they were






They can't play this game when everyone else is around?


So basically SAO MLP


That's a long game


Uh.. Alright. Kind of an abrupt ending. Surpisingly the episode wasn't too bad. 5.8/10

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Jean Valjean


:kaukau: Saw the end of it while I was browsing through channels.  I thought that what little I saw was pretty funny.  Discord reminded me of Legolas.



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