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P.P.O.V Pony Point of View/Where the Apple Lies

Whoops, I've fallen behind again. Time to fix that


I suddenly got really nostalgic for season one


I see what's about to happen


Poor Spike


looool. He still has a crush on her after all this time




I'm so full right now, none of that looks good


Ten seconds ago? lol


That's a strong map


Maybe the boat didn't sink


RIP cucumber sandwiches


So Applejack, the element of honesty, lied


They're going to eat out of those?


Not too bad, a little different. 5/10


Where the Apple Lies


Just say no




She looks like a deer


Spoiled Milk? Did I hear that right? loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooololol


She should have kept her mane like that




Why is that door open?


Looks like a dead body


That took a dark turn


Feels like I'm watching a Tales From the Crypt episode


That wasn't so bad either. 5/10


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