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A glimpse into my LEGO world

Kaleidoscope Tekulo


blog-0037536001477450982.jpgSo I got a shiny new display case for some of my favorite minifigs. This is pretty much just an attempt to organize some of the tragic piles of plastic that have become my LEGO collection over the years.


So, I figure I'll try and describe my personal bios for these characters. Most of these are customized figures I've built from random figs and the build your own minifigures from the LEGO store.


Starting from the top row from the left and going to the right: Here we have a special minifigure that was a promotional item from the LEGO shop at home site. I like to think of him as a personal assistant to help with the general chaos that is my life. (Having a plastic figure as an assistant is not very practical as all he does is smile and look pretty, but it's an unpaid position so I guess that's fine).


Next we have a lovely mermaid. I have given her no backstory, nor a name. She just stands there in limbo, forever living in an existential crisis and longing for an identity.


Now here we have Samantha and SAMANTHA. Samantha is an undercover agent for some sort of secret organization. Her specialty is disguise and infiltration. She has a variety of outfits and accessories to blend into the background. Her talents are normally used to gather information. As for what kind of information, idk I did not plan that far into what her organization even does. They don't even have a mission statement. Paired with her is a famous 2x2 LEGO brick whose whereabouts I always enquire about. She's a robot used as a deus ex machina of sorts. The name stands for










One of my personal favorites, we have Lilura Philyra. Lil is a witch without a voice. Whether she is incapable of speech or whether she simply refuses to speak is a mystery. She lost her family to witch hunts at a young age and studied magic as an apprentice to a capable master of the magical arts. She can often be found playing a melancholy tune on a harp.


Next to her we have a Pride figure with no name. I honestly don't have a backstory for this gal here, and that's a shame because I really love her design.


And here we have two boyfriends. I know nothing about them other than the fact that they are dating because I crave seeing gay dudes in stories. I did have a weird backstory made for one of them, involving power, betrayal and a convenient amnesia, but that's all very convoluted and will likely be scrapped from my personal canon.


And now we have some sort of villain. Once again, no real backstory, but just look at him. He's dressed all fancy and has such a dapper little grin on his face. You just know he's up to no good with that bowler hat.


And finally, finishing the top row we have another Shop at Home figure. I got two of the figures from the promotion (the first minifig on the far left) so I tried to see if I could recreate the female minifig found on the Shop at Home site.


Now to list off the bottom row of figures starting with the leftmost side.


Here we have Miss Cat and her two kittens. To be honest, they only got this spot because they are cats and cats are adorable.


Next we have my version of Elsa from Frozen. The only problem I really have with her is that she is wearing gloves.


These two are the Star Sisters. They are members of a sinister organization known as Skull Flower. Based in the city, they struggle with the choice of remaining in a criminal organization while trying their best to work towards a normal life.


Jack and Megan are the two minifigs I decided to use in my epic, Light and Shadow. I have no clue if I will ever finish it, honestly. These two are from my childhood days way back when. Megan was a superhero with all of the powers of a PowerPuff girl and Jack was an afterthought side character. He's Megan's husband and a firefighter. They're madly in love (unlike in the epic where they're currently just partners in saving the world). Jack originally had no powers of his own. They have a son named Jack Jr who is an intelligent engineer who designed a robotic suit to help him fight crime. Basically Iron Man before I knew what Iron Man even was. Megan was always my protagonist in the LEGO world. I've played with the idea of making her a trans woman. Having her be a member of the LGBT community makes her feel a little closer to me (even though it's a part of the community that I'm not a member of).


Next up is this weirdo guy. He's the leader of Skull Flower, a sinister organization whose mission statement is currently unknown. Idk what he's planning, but just look at that gun he has. Why do I even have guns in my LEGO world? Oh geez, I'm scared. I'm not sure how he lost his leg. He'd probably like to know that along with whatever the heck his name is. Nice mowhawk though.


Here we have Professor Layton and Luke Triton from the Professor Layton series. I got super into these games and one day I was like OMG I CAN TOTALLY MAKE THESE GUYS OUT OF LEGO. Too bad I don't have Emmy Altava. I can only assume they've been trying to unravel the mysteries of my LEGO collection. Maybe they've found some answers like what it is all these secret organizations want to do and why they even exist in the first place?


This is Little Red Riding Hood all grown up because I am a sucker for fairy tales and I will never be free from their icy hold over my life.


And finally here we have some random Spartan who is a blindbag Megablocks figure. He crash landed in the LEGO universe and is trying to figure out what the heck is going on and how to return home. Unfortunately he is stuck in my collection forever, an outsider who can never fit in and the worst at disguising himself to blend in. Will he ever find love???


So yeah, these are the zany characters that make up my pride parade LEGO.

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These sound like the best secret organizations ever.  So secret, even they don't know what they do.  They have mastered the art of secret and I am jealous.

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