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Asian Action Movies > Western Action Movies

Jean Valjean


:kaukau: A friend of mine recently showed me a bunch of Korean action movies. They weren't Kung Fu movies, but still, they had a lot of good fighting. And I daresay, the fighting that they did have was good. They even made gun-fights complex and dynamic. It was entertaining to watch and consistently engaging. Did it still have some cliches? Yeah. I noticed that there were times when two people would throw aside their guns and go at each other hand-to-hand, which I didn't think was the most realistic.


After watching multiple action scenes with Asian actors, I concluded that the stereotypes are true. Asian directors simply direct action scenes better than Western directors, even some of the directors that are considered great. Christopher Nolan? Sure, he fills his films with atmosphere, but his action scenes suck when compared to Asian action scenes. George Lucas? I really love his lightsaber fights, but seriously, he's outclassed, and all Star Wars needs is for an Asian director to someday helm an episode, and that iconic lightsaber fight in The Phantom Menace will be one-upped. Zack Snyder? While his directing style will always be flashy and filled with decent eye candy, he isn't in the same league. The Russo Brothers? The only reason why their action scenes can compete with Asian action scenes is because they have a higher budget. James Cameron? His movies are overall really good and have some excellent concepts, but if you subtracted robots and aliens from his action scenes, you get some pretty basic stuff.


In fact, the only Western director that I could think of who could hold a candle to Asian action was George Miller, who did a very fine job with his most recent Mad Mad installment. I swear, if Asian directors had a better budget, every one of their action films would be on the same level as Fury Road.


So there. I concede this much to Asia, that they direct better action scenes. From now on, if I'm on the mood for a good action movie, I'll hang out with my friend and watch Asian films on Netflix.


Also, this does not extend to Bollywood films, which technically count as Asian.





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