So a new trailer for Logan was release today. Said trailer is below. I will note that there is somewhat of a spoiler in it for those who read the comics that involves one of the characters. If you want to see this film knowing as little about it as possible, then don't watch the trailer or read anymore. otherwise, let's get on with this.
While I liked the first Logan trailer a little more than this one, I still think this is a good one too. I think the biggest reveal in it is that the girl is Laura Kinney aka X-23. It was speculated that she was this character when the first trailer was revealed, but this one all but confirms it.
I'm interested in seeing what her origin story is, and how much influence it will take from the comics. Because in said comics, she is a 'clone-daughter' of Logan. I wonder if she will have the same backstory here, or if she'll just be a Mutant similar to Logan and that they just put adamantium on her bones. We'll just have to wait for the film to come out and see.
The other thing that really caught my attention was the fact that the X-Men comics exist in this universe. I'm not sure how I feel about them existing in these movies. But if people with powers actually did exist in the real world, someone probably would make a comic book based on them. So I guess it could make sense for these to be a thing in the X-Men movies. Again, we'll just have to wait and see what Logan does with this plot point.
And as with the first trailer, there is a red band version of this trailer out there too. While the violence in it is the same as in the green band, it does have some adult language, which is why I won't link it here. But you can find it on YouTube if you want to see it.
Overall, this trailer has made me even more excited to see this. Like I said, I thought the first one was better. But this is still a good trailer on its own. March 3rd can't get here soon enough.
What do you all think of this trailer? Will you be seeing Logan when it comes out?
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