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BZPower T-shirt Contest 2017!

Brappy Hour


Take A Dive!



8th verse, same as the first. Welcome once more, friends. It's 2017, and that means it's the 10th anniversary of the Mahri Nui saga. So rather then limiting the contest to a set or group of characters. You all have artistic freedom with this project! The only requirement is that the design must be underwater themed. Something serious, or something comical? The choice is yours!


Rules: Your design must be a simple design, one color, and must be medium sized. A previous winner and decent example is linked here. https://farm9.static...757ed1131_b.jpg

Your design must also be black on a clear white background. This makes it easier for the screen printing process.


You may post your entries in this thread, and have until the end of May to submit your design.


The Prize: The maker of the winning design will receive a free T-Shirt!



The winning design will be chosen through a voting process of the members of BZP.

Colors will be suggested and chosen by the members as well.



Feel free to ask any questions if needed.

That's all for now. Have fun, and good luck!

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Dear BZPower

I have always wanted to show my gratitude and appreciation for all the years of passion, ideas, feedback and greatness that has filled this blog and community and what better way than to do some creative work for you. 
This is an original tribute piece done exclusively for BZPower and the fans.
Exactly this part of the legend means a lot to me. Underwater is my favourite and this is the point where Matoro sweeps in, takes the challenge and saves the day. The words are for you and all the fans when you wear the t-shirt and keep the legend alive: “We’ll take it from here”. 
Especially at this point in time, you are the legend.
You are the real heroes of this legend.

BZpower 17 illu Faber

It is actually not an attempt to overpower any of the other suggestions..
but see it as an extra illustration you can use. maybe outside the competition. You can use it anyway you like and choose. Please get back to me if you need any extra work on the design.

BZPower2017 t-shirt test 1 Faber

BZPower2017 t-shirt test 2 Faber


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May is soon ending and I am a bit confused!?

Sorry to ask but is the competition still on or is this a dead end?

Nobody seem to have postet anything for a long time and nobody comments. This is my first post so I hope somebody will tell me if I'm doing anything wrong.

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May is soon ending and I am a bit confused!?

Sorry to ask but is the competition still on or is this a dead end?

Nobody seem to have postet anything for a long time and nobody comments. This is my first post so I hope somebody will tell me if I'm doing anything wrong.


The contest is very much still going, and you've made it just in time! 

To be honest, there isn't usually much traffic on the competition page, and only a small number of members enter each year. So you're in the right place.


I'm honored by the dedication and passion you've put into not only this entry, but into Bionicle itself. 

Thank you so much, and best wishes in the voting stage! 

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May is soon ending and I am a bit confused!?

Sorry to ask but is the competition still on or is this a dead end?

Nobody seem to have postet anything for a long time and nobody comments. This is my first post so I hope somebody will tell me if I'm doing anything wrong.


The contest is very much still going, and you've made it just in time! 

To be honest, there isn't usually much traffic on the competition page, and only a small number of members enter each year. So you're in the right place.


I'm honored by the dedication and passion you've put into not only this entry, but into Bionicle itself. 

Thank you so much, and best wishes in the voting stage! 



Great!!! thanks for the respons and the words, you are the best fans in the world:). Do you need the illustration in a higher resolution then just give me a mail address I can send it to. I would love to give something back to the community for all these years of passion.

Best regards CF

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