Things start getting down to routine by this point. To speed things up a little, here are highlights of the day basically:
- I got up early (6 AM) and took a shower
- Check car & drop laundry off in car
- Ate pancakes at McDonald's (No vomiting... Yay!)
- Chill outside on a bench for awhile and enjoy the good weather
- Chicken out on seeing boat race event (Which I kind of regret as it would been cool to see)
- Return to my hotel room to play around with my tablet (Mostly watch some YouTube videos)
- Wish good luck to Team Ketchup in Splatfest on Twitter since I couldn't take part (Sadly they lost)
- Got lunch at Subway (Pepperoni Personal Panned Pizza basically; No vomiting... Yay!)
- Wander around the con some more
- Return to hotel room to air my feet out again
- Awkwardly find out Makuta Luroka is at the con now and head back over to give him his Mask Maker vs. Skull Grinder and Skull Slicer sets (I felt bad for coming over during the Combo Build, so I just hand the sets off to Makuta Luroka quickly and I left again for the hotel. I also feel bad later for putting it in an old ACME bag... I should of just kept it in the Toys R Us that I got when I brought Skull Slicer for him. Sorry...).
- Ate dinner at Burger King (No vomiting... Yay!)
- Called it a night at 9 PM (I kind of regret this a little as I would like to have seen the World of Lights thing. But I was so sore from walking a lot on second day though, so I just turned in early after watching a video on the game Pyre. I should probably add that game to my Steam wishlist. It looked interesting.)
So yeah, Day 3 was kind uneventful. I didn't really interact with much with people from what I remember of it. (There might been hello or good morning here or there that I forgot about.).
- JMJ 2017
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