BZPower's Bota Magna: Ask Anything
I think at this point I've hinted enough that I do plan to one day host a BZPower's Bota Magna as a sort of sequel-but-also-not-really-sequel to BZPower's Bara Magna. So now I'd like to ask you to ask anything you can come up with.
Did you know:
- There are biomechanical dinosaurs on Bota Magna?
- Bota Magna is home to the vast majority of the Earth Tribe, including the Element Lord of Earth?
- There is an Ancient Fortress, the origins of which unknown?
- The Red Stars in the skies can tell the future?
- Some - but by no means all - of Bota Magna's inhabitants are zealously technophobic, to the point where they fused their armor with plants?
- The Sand Tribe on Bota Magna did not regress in intelligence the same way the sand tribe on Bara Magna did, and that they once had a city of their own?
- The Skrall homeland is located on Bota Magna?
Ask me anything about Bota Magna.
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