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What Love Really Is

Spoony Bard


Figured to make an entry to give my insight on the overly used term: "Love".


But first, lets look at the current situation I am in. I have been with Ashley since October 2005. Seperated some time in the winter, and got back together shortly afterwards in the Spring-ish. We're quite the couple I admit. I held her close to my heart, and she did the same.


Now to pause for a moment. You would be thinking I am in love with this girl. But alas, I am not. You see my outlook on love is very thin, and I have only loved one person in my life. It is a shame she isn't alive to know how I truly felt. Love to me is a special bond. Not lust. Not flirtatious ways. Not some crush on a person. You only know love is present when you truly feel it. Now you may say, "I can feel love right now", however there is no way for you to be certain, because at a young age, things can be confusing. Now I know people fall in love in high school and stay together for a long time, but it is still a 50/50 situation. Now the thing is, you may love more than one person in your lifetime. The person you love now may end up being your worst enemy. When you meet that special person, you will right off the bat, know what love is. And the most awesome part is, there is no set time as to when love sets in. You can love someone after 3 years or eve 3 days or if your lucky, 3 minutes.


Now to get back to Ashley. A good 1 1/3 years of being together, and we share that closeness with each other (although funny enough, we live quite a distance). But distance doesn't matter when you are in love. Now it is seriously tough for me to fall in love with someone (especially having a history of ladies leaving in the past, oh well), so I did not fall in love with Ashley, however I did have strong feelings for her, and she shared the same.


It is interesting though. She has someone important in her life, and it isn't me. Apparently these past 4 weeks have just been a charade, and she was with this dude named Christian. I just managed to find out yesterday. No biggie though. Things like this happen a lot to me. Girl becomes disinterested with the relationship and decides to move on. I get used to it, so I care less.


Now I am hurt a little, but not by a long shot. If I was in love, I would have been crushed by this, but I am not. Now you see why my outlook is thin. It sometimes gets to the point of not believing in love. Cuz how can you love someone, and find out they are not worth your precious time. I am honestly not a bad guy in relationships, as most dudes are. Although I do come off as being a cold, stiff individual who can care less about anything (pretty much a #####), I am a nice guy if you know who I am.


And to me love is something I long for. I am willing to give up an entire lifetime searching for that special someone, even if I can only share a brief moment with them. The woman I loved does not know I even love her, and I will never be able to tell her because she is gone. I really miss her so much, and sometimes I cry at night thinking about her. But I cannot keep dwelling on the past so much. Life can be understood backwards, but must be led forward. And even at these times, you must let go of the past.


So what is love? You cannot see it. You cannot hear it. You can neither smell or taste it. It can only be felt, and it takes a lot of feeling in order to sense it.


And some final words. To those who are in middle school and "dating". The person you are with won't be with you forever. You may think you love them, but you are not at the mental state nor age to understand love fully.


And just in case you guys start assuming, the girl in my personal photo is not Ashley. It is my good friend Paige.


Take this entry with serious thought.




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I'd just like to say that those scientists who have "proved" that love isn't an emotion have obviously never loved.


I think I've felt love before. But it was new to me, so I'm really not all that sure anymore...

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16 months is a pretty long time, for a relationship to end like that. That sucks.


I'm sure you'll find your true love again eventually, though.

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Usually the response to this is something like "It'll be alright" or "Well, that stinks." But it sounds like you're got a pretty positive outlook on what's going on, so that doesn't seem neccesary at this point.


All I can say then is "Good luck and may you find that person you're looking for."

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She loves someone named Christian, huh?


I suppose now all you can do is write her love letters in his name until the two of themare married with your assistance, after which you're both sent off to war and he dies defending France. Then continue visiting this Roxane Ashley every saturday at the convent where she has taken up residence until a wooden beam is dropped on your head, you go to see her in spiteof your head injury, and you finally confess your love.


Or perhaps this is just a Cyrano de Bergerac pun made to lighten the mood. But whatever. :P


But seriously, I feel sorry for you, dude. Why does this seem to be happening to everyone on the site as of late?


- :vahi:

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Usually the response to this is something like "It'll be alright" or "Well, that stinks." But it sounds like you're got a pretty positive outlook on what's going on, so that doesn't seem neccesary at this point.

I wouldn't say positive, just a "not caring" one. :P


Remember, I am supposed to be cold, stiff and mean. :P




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You're supposed to be 'cool'. 'Cool' means apathetic, which means 'cold, stiff and mean'.


I'm nowhere near a relationship, and don't even blink at the idea of falling into one. But this is good advice. And normally the term 'love' is either simple or complex, and I'll worry about it when I get the feeling that it's finally found me.


In an attempt to lighten the mood somewhat -


'When the moon hits your eye,

Like a big piece of pie,

It's amore!

When the stars start to shine

Like you had too much wine,

It's amore!'



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A similar situation hit me this year. Mind you, our relationship hadn't even started yet when it happened, but it hit extra hard, because the girl I loved turned out to already have a girlfriend. Still, I recently revealed my feelings for her and she doesn't seem to mind. That's because I explained to her that I would rather have her be happy than to have us be together. That is a relationship I have read of a lot in books, and believe it or not, it works. So even if she doesn't want that kind of intimacy, try to remain friends with her. It's worth it, believe me.

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You got the Idea there Omi! You know what love really is! Not many people do unfortunately -_- . I am dreadfully sorry for your loss.

People and children heed the words in his blog post; Love is a hard thing to define. And it's harder to find someone who really knows, so learn and we shall all be wiser!


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It's nice to know I'm not the only one who falls for girls, who then fall for someone else.


Though I'm not sure being cold, and unfeeling about it is the way to go. I don't know if you're pulling the indifferent front, or if it's honest to goodness indifference, but man, you have to grieve with grief. If not, bitterness is your reward.


I share your quest to find the true love, even if it takes a lifetime, with only but a passing moment the reward.



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Reminded me of a time when I was 4 when I tolled some random girl I loved her *sigh* To this day I still don't know why.

I've had crushes twice in my lifetime. Although the only time I can remember "being in love" I recognised it as nothing more then euphoria and a sugar rich breakfast... go figure.

Also I was rejected by crush numero uno on christmas morning.

Now at my atempt to lighten the mood.


There's a smile on my face

for the whole human race

Why it's almost like eing in love


Good luck Omi. May I one day follow suit... but let's wait a few years shall we?

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"Life can be understood backwards, but must be led forward. And even at these times, you must let go of the past."


I love that line. It's inspiring.


You do seem to speak the truth though, Omi. I thought I loved 'M', but a few weeks ago, I asked myself why. Why did I think I loved him? Then I realised that all the reasons I could think of were actually true of most of my friends...I'd just convinced myself that it was love I was feeling, not just friendship.


And now I've decided who I am, I've decided, like you, to begin my search for true love. Because a single moment of true happiness can give meaning to even the most meaningless of lives.



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Wow, this is the best darn entry I've seen. Honest, true, and wise. With this I am a bit more set on path two who I am, and how to get straight on the road to a longing life. This entry, not only tells me about love, but tells me who I should look to. My older brother.

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That's a pretty good way to put it. I myself have been in my first relationship for nearly two years now (which is apparantly quite an achievement from where I'm from) and there are times when I feel like my outlook on love is different from hers.

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'One day maybe you will love again, love that never dies...' - The Verve (One Day)


That was an inspiring entry Omi; one of the best I've read out of all the BZPower blogs. Very thought-provoking.


Anyway, best of luck with the next girl. Plenty more fish in the sea (very annoying expression, but I think it's appropriate).

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And that is why I refuse to date while I am still in Middle School.

I don't think I've ever felt love, just what I call "forced crushes".


I know this entry is incredibly old, but I still felt like commenting here.

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