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Nokama's Syllabus for 'COMM/SOC 0275: Communication and Conflict'

Last one!
Part of this story :)
A student's copy of a term syllabus for class at the Ga-Metru School of Arts and Society. 
Nokama is one of those professors who doesn't understand that students have other classes to manage besides hers. But on the plus side, she's very faithful to her posted office hours. 

COMM/SOC 0275: Communication and Conflict
Nokama Ds.N
Ga-Metru School of Philosophy and Society
Ihu, K S. Essential Foundations of Metru Nui: Society and Culture. 4th ed., II, Scholars Nui Society .
Nokama, Ds N. Basics of Matoran Communication: A Comprehensive Text. 6th ed., vol. 2, Ga-Metru
      Scholar's Conglomerate.
Taipu, A M. The Great City - Early Centuries. Vol. 2, Archivist Foundation.
From this course, students will gain the ability to observe, analyze, describe styles and variations of communication around them, and synthesize their findings into methodical, accurate, and academic language. Students will also develop conflict-resolution skills through studies in interpersonal communication, communication breakdown and decline, and study of peace and negotiation tactics. This course combines theory with practice, encouraging students to see hypothetical or concrete conflicts through to the end, and equips students to document and provide academic commentary on the entire process.
At the end of the term, students will understand the following principles of communication and conflict:
  1. Basic communication styles
  2. Common principles of conflict sources
  3. Elementary theory of
    1. Negotiation
    2. Conflict de-escalation
    3. Practical debate formation
    4. Compromise principles and documentation
  4. Conflict analysis and documentation
Attendance & Participation (10%): While not meant to make or break the student’s grade, attendance and full participation, both in class and in assignments is essential for the course. The professor reserves the right to deduct 2% of the final course grade for each unexcused absence.
Case studies (20%): Three to four tablet length requirement, fine-tip chisel only. Students will submit six (6) write-ups in the conflict documentation format of their choice on case studies found in the corresponding section of the selected texts. Outside case studies, which can be found in both the Archives and the Knowledge Towers, are available through the inter-metru academic loan system, but must be pre-approved by the professor.
Written exams (45%): The term will have three (3) exams, with dates to be announced. Exams will be culminating, and include 1) multiple choice, 2) extended analogy 3) essay sections. Exam format is subject to change at the professor’s discretion, but she will notify the class no later than three class periods in advance.
Practical exams (45%): In the middle and at the end of the term, each student will attend an individual hypothetical conflict scenario provided in conjunction with the theater coalition of the Ga-Metru School of Arts and Society. Students must demonstrate understanding of negotiation and de-escalation principles during this time, and provide a complete write-up analysis of that scenario no later than one (1) week later.
Note: Extra credit is for underachievers, and will not be offered under any circumstance.
See posted course schedule, which is also subject to change, outside Nokama’s office located at 451 Wisdom Plaza, Suite #221
Note from the Dean:  Due to troubling current events in the city, the administration urges professors to show leniency in their attendance policies, provided students can provide sufficient evidence legitimizing their absence. In the event conditions in the city escalate to the point where class must be cancelled, professors are not to penalize students or assign work outside of class, as that would put students in danger. In the unlikely event that conditions cause the schools to shut down, students will be able to re-enroll in any and all of their interrupted classes without charge, and without loss of credit. 


image courtesy of BS01




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Love this, you've successfully made me feel like I've somehow got another class this semester.

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17 hours ago, Bonkle said:

Love this, you've successfully made me feel like I've somehow got another class this semester.

Haha, as someone who aspires to be a teacher eventually, this makes me very happy. As someone who is still recovering from recently being a student, you have my apologies XD



On 1/24/2020 at 9:40 PM, Bonkle said:

Love this, you've successfully made me feel like I've somehow got another class this semester.

Same here... I wander in on this topic and I start worrying about where I can get these textbooks at... :blink:

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