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I'm Building Lego on Twitch!



Hey, all! I'm still alive and kicking! I hope you are all doing well as I know it's been a long time since my last visit.

Life has been uh... or I guess continued to be crazy? But things are mostly pretty good right now, there is still a lot that could be better but I'm still here and trying to move forward. My last entry was 2019... so a lot has happened. I'm back in my house thankfully. It's not perfect but it's livable so that's a good thing. Housing was questionable for awhile from hotel to RV to another rental. I'm a manager at a pharmacy so that's unexpected and I guess interesting. On April 4, 2021 my father passed away so that's been tough especially as we just passed the two year anniversary of that so Tuesday was a hard day. But I met more new friends and people I care about and twoish weeks ago we hung out for the first time and that was some fun that I found was sorely needed as I haven't done something like that in a long time.

There have been ups and downs as that's life.

Lately though I've been streaming on Twitch! I've recently become a Twitch Affiliate and early in the year streamed some Lego Building.

And on Saturday I am going to be building a few sets on stream at 1pm ET!

We're building:

40581 BIONICLE Tahu and Taku
40516 Everyone is Awesome
... And a couple more but one of them is unofficial... but for Bionicle fans of 2004 should be very familiar.

There is a whole tweet that announces it and hints at it right here.

I also plan to giveaway a few small sets I have during the stream. (It's nothing too huge but it's still free Lego.)

I also stream video games with a lot of friends. So if you like that kind of thing feel free to check it out.

If you feel like joining the Lego stream will be at 1pm over on my Twitch channel!

And I'll try not to be a stranger.

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