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In case anyone thought I was joking last entry...



Remember that entry about Bionicle not being dead that I wrote last month?  I'm not surprised that I haven't posted another entry since then, but I am a little surprised no one else has either.  Anyway, amateur pictures coming, because I honestly don't know why I have shaky hands whenever I try and take a picture.

"The Legend Reborn" reference:


Free The Band reference:


The acknowledgements:


I always wonder if I should share the above online, because part of me feels like it should be more personal or something, you know save somethings for yourself.  On the other hand, I kind of do want the people who inspired and helped me to know how grateful I am, but how else are they going to know that unless I share this online.  I don't know, I usually overthink...well, everything, but especially everything related to trying to make it as a writer, so maybe that's what I'm doing now.

Okay, back to being the lurker/occasionally like stuff guy. 

Edited by JAG18
Forgot a word.

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