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Fruit War 2





Since some of my readers decided in the last blog entry that the Fruit War is back on, I figured I would at least devote a new blog entry to it.


REMEMBER, this is not, nor will it be an RPG.


*lobs watermelon at Onuki and Spitty*


Oh, and my Premier Membership is gone, so no new entries.


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*throws star fruit at Dok*

+100 Dokkypoints for creativity.


-100 Dokkypoints for throwing fruit at me.

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*pulls out rocket launcher loaded with apples*

Ha ha ha :P .


We need to take sides like in Fruit War I.

Anyone who wants to be on my side, raise their hands!





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"Fruit Wars II: Revenge of the Squash"




*throws apple at Doktor*

An apple a day keeps the Doktor way. :)

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*throws star fruit at Dok*

+100 Dokkypoints for creativity.


-100 Dokkypoints for throwing fruit at me.

I don't have to impress you! -Stewie

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*dodges cantaloupes- hit by kumquat*


Let it be known that I was the first Fruit Thrower!


(My NotNikira fad aint over)

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*has a bandage on her forehead from getting whalloped by potatoes*


But wait... potatoes arn't a fruit. :P


UK and I rock the world, so...


*teams up with UK and starts throwing tomatoes - which are a fruit*



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Are kumquats fruit?


Cause they're freakin awesome to say.


It's a fruit if you want it to be a fruit. :P


*throws kumquat at Uncle Krekka*

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Aw, the fad's over? :(

Not as far as I can tell. The Nikira fad rambles on. :P


*chucks lemon into Exo's eye*

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