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Confess! Confess!



A moth was throwing itself at the screen like a lovesick...um...whatever it is that likes LCD monitors. A moth? Yes, anyway.

Yes, so the idea of this entry has been shamelessly copied. But my blog is boring me,* and I figured this might spice it up a little bit.


You may henceforth post questions asking me anything you like here. Anything whatsoever, whilst adhering to BZP's overall rules, of course. I will try and answer them all...unless I don't want to.


Ask away. Though I thoroughly expect there to be very little activity.** What could anyone possibly want to ask me? ***



What he said, except of course for the bits marked with asterisks.




P.S. Confidential to Bundalings: Remember that one contest? The deadline's tomorrow. If you plead nicely enough I might extend the deadline.


* My blog is not actually boring me, it's just that I have been seriously lacking in the time necessary to post anything more in-depth. (One could conceivably argue that this is always the case, since the amount of long, thought-provoking entries by yours truly could probably be counted on the fingers of a certain furry blue German mutant...But of course you guys might disagree.) Also, I haven't done this sort of entry yet.


** No, of course not! I expect there to be lots of activity! Oodles, even.


*** My Social Security number, for starters.


Recommended Comments

1. Who did you copy that quote from? He seems like a pretty awesome kind of guy.


2. Do you fear the Killer Rabbit?


3. Is it an Ex-parrot?


4. What is your favourite colour?


5. What is your quest?


6. It is currently Saturday, and I'm going out later. What do you think I should wear?


7. Do you like llamas?


8. How many lemons does it take to change a lightbulb?


9. Do you think BZP would look better in pink?


10. What is the meaning of life?



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1. Who did you copy that quote from? He seems like a pretty awesome kind of guy.


2. Do you fear the Killer Rabbit?


3. Is it an Ex-parrot?


4. What is your favourite colour?


5. What is your quest?


6. It is currently Saturday, and I'm going out later. What do you think I should wear?


7. Do you like llamas?


8. How many lemons does it take to change a lightbulb?


9. Do you think BZP would look better in pink?


10. What is the meaning of life?



1. Iunno. Just some guy with a blog.

2. No.

3. Naw, it's just pining.

4. Orange.

5. Uh...Uh...Can I get back to you on that?

6. Can't go wrong with clothes...

7. Somewhat. Møøse are cooler though.

8. One, but only if it has opposable thumbs and isn't too emo-like.

9. No.

10. What do you get if you multiply six by nine?

Where do I get one of those Humphrey plushies everyone's raving about? :bigsmile:


- :vahi:


I can't imagine who would want a plushie of a stuffed møøse head, but if you really want one you can send a bunch of money to me, and if I'm feeling generous I might give you something in return.





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