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Board Upgrades Finished



OK, I'm as done with the board upgrades as I intend to get. Spinnies and other topic-level hacks have been added back in, and the big bugs that have been sent to me have been resolved to the best of my knowledge.


I know there will be people who will want things differently, or will send in more bugs or feature requests, but I'm afraid more changes just aren't going to happen any time soon. Over the last month, very nearly all my "free" time has been sucked into BZP, working one crisis or another, and I really need to devote more time to things that have been ignored. I've got other obligations to attend to, which means I won't have the time to devote to anything other than "emergency" attention for BZP. There are a couple of other BZP-related things I'm working on, but they're more behind the scenes stuff (for now, anyway).


The server has seemed to stabilize, mostly, without any more database corruption since I've updated a few things in the DB configuration file. There are a couple of things that suck up server CPU time every once in a while, I'm having the host company look into it. But for the most part, we're back and relatively stable. (I don't want to eat my words.)


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You need a prize or something, you work so hard for us. Thanks Bink. :)

Oh yes, I do believe I'll get a prize. And it's a doozy. :-D

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You need a prize or something, you work so hard for us. Thanks Bink. :)

Oh yes, I do believe I'll get a prize. And it's a doozy. :-D



Good sir, you have the patience of ten extremely patient men. I'd salute you for your efforts, but someone might walk in on me saluting a monitor, and that'd just make for really awkward dinner conversation. Please accept the sentiment instead. It's like a gift card that way.

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I'd hate to rain on your parade, sorry, but someone in the last entry mentioned that a member went missing ("deleted") and I just noticed the same about



In my PM inbox his PM is there but no member name, and instead "Deleted member"


I'm sure he'd like some help, before it becomes too late and he thinks BZP has forgotten him.



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You need a prize or something, you work so hard for us. Thanks Bink. :)

Oh yes, I do believe I'll get a prize. And it's a doozy. :-D

Woopee! ^_^

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Yay! I feel sorry for the deleted member, though... just glad it's not me...


And I see no spinnies. Are we talking about the same ones?

Nevermind, I see them.



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*Comes out from cave*



Does this mean the server isen't going to come crashing down around our heads in a flaming example of over-worked software?

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Congratulations, Bink!


You deserve a reward, atleast a gold medal. Anyways you still have a little glitches to fix.


Spinny Mixup- Have you noticed that you, Pohuaki and Black Six have 4-year spinnies? You are supposed to have 5-year spinnies.


Staff Members with almost full proto- I recently noticed that Staff member Kex has 4 proto instead of the full 5 proto.




And I feel sorry for the deleted member...

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I noticed all the funny little messages in the Board Messages are gone. :o


Not that it really matters. Thanks a ton, Bink, for all the work you've put into this place. I appreciate it, and take your time with all the nitpicky customized stuff. Use your freetime to do something else now. :)



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