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VBS - GAME DAY CENTRAL: 2 of 5 days completed alive. Sanity: Groggy.




Well, VBS went pretty smoothly again this morning. We had some problems with kids quarreling around 11 or so (we have Rec acd Snackage last, and most kids tend to get cranky if they're hungry), but other than that, it went well. :)


Tomorrow will be awesome. It's big-dramatic-drama-day-where-something-bad-happens. Dundundun!!!!! 8O


And yeah, got to go to the doctor's. Yay.


He figured that I have reactive hypoglycemia - a blood sugar problem where my body's insulin consumes my sugar too fast, thus causing me to feel tired and lightheaded, even shortly after eating.


Basically, it's diabetes turned backwards and upside-down. I'll get one of those fancy silver bracelets, like the kind that people with severe allergies have, later this week.


They still did a blood test for anemia (I TOLD YOU HA. :-D), so my left arm is all weak and numb and stuff and I can't move my fingers.


I'm also typing this out with only my right hand, so please be nice and ignore grammatical errors. :(


But hey, I got a nifty bandage. With flames on it. Yay for flames! 8D




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That sounds... fun.


You'll be in my thoughts & prayers, Niki.


Aye. Thanks you. ^^




Yay I'm awesome! 8D




And to answer your non-edited question: Yes. It stinks. But it's a genetic trait, mostly, so it wasn't really surprising.



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Aw, wow, that really must suck. I hope you feel better. ^^ And have fun with the shiny bracelet and flaming bandage. :P


I think it's really nice that you're always cheerful. =3

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Aw, wow, that really must suck. I hope you feel better. ^^ And have fun with the shiny bracelet and flaming bandage. :P


I think it's really nice that you're always cheerful. =3


My bandage rocks your dogs socks, yo. X3




Yeah. XD


My philosophy is to keep a cheerful composition in whatever I do. What point is there to gripe and complain if all that does is make other members gripe and complain and makes you feel more miserable in the process?


Besides, I like being happy. And I like others being happy. Which makes me happier. =D


Wait... so now you NEEEED sugar?


XD, sweet.




Yes and no.


I'm supposed to stay away from refined sugars - jellies, hard candies, stuff like that - as it does give me a quick pick-me-up, but if that is the only thing I snack on, it sends my insulin levels really, really high, which sucks up all my sugar and causes me to crash.


The thing is, when I DO crash, refined sugars are the best thing to help me stay, y'know, concious until I get actual nourishment.


It's all mixed up. XD


I'm just glad I don't have severe hypoglycemia, which causes frequent fainting, seizures, and can cause you to fall into a coma and possibly die. o_O



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I can eat sugar. I just have to make sure I have, like, something a bit more substantial along with it. That way, the raw sugar is processed quickly, but the carbs/protein/etc. from whatever else I eat will keep me from, like, passing out.


If someone has moderate to severe hypoglycemia (I'm running along the lines of moderate), they can request to get a glucose shot, which kind of works like an Epipen if I pass out or whatever because of sugar levels. Shoots suger straight into my blood stream.


And, yes, I can still have licorice, just not too much. Hoorah! =D



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My life is so weird. Yabagazabloo. XD


And, no, I don't think so. If I did, I didn't reply... just a sec, I'll go check my inbox...



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I had to get like, a huge dosage epinephrine shot because my body stopped functioning when I got surgery.

I had a whole big problem with the wheelchair too, when they make you leave in one. And I fainted as soon as I stood up.

So I had to get another one, which made me stay away for sixty something hours, I don't remember right now.


Cute nurses gave me candy! 8D

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Yipe. I've never been in major surgery before, so I can't really sympathize all that much... but still... yipe. O_O


I was stupid and started hyperventilating while they did my blood test (I hate, hate, HATE having needles stuck into me for longer than four seconds). >< So they made me lay down for, like, forever, and I had to get up in stages so I wouldn't pass out like you did when I stood up.


...and I didn't get candy. :(



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Well, I fainted because the epinephrine made my muscles stretch and stress, and when I tried to stand nothing in my body was actually working, it was just tensing and stuff.


Try having six IVs in your body for a week.

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NO! No more needles that poke! The blood test was bad enough! ><




I'd probably die of hyperventilation with the IV drip. :P


Well, if I wanted, like, an absolutely confirmed diagnostic, I could go and get a glucose level test at the hospital. But I really don't want to. They starve you, test your blood, then make you drink raw glucose syrup, then test your blood every hour for the WHOLE DAY, then make you eat more refined sugar (like pancakes), and then test your blood again.


Lots o needles. It's a horrible nightmare. Horrible horrible. :fear:



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Try having six IVs in your body for a week.


Good lord, no. I HATE needles. >.<


The worst that ever happened to me was when I needed stitches on my left ear, as in right behind it. But that was when I was 7-8... So it was a while ago.


Of course I have pectus excacvatus(sp?), aka, a massive dent in my chest. I went to get it checked out at the hospital last year... Unnerving. I was all "Zomg... There's something wrong with me..." Turns out my heart is just shoved to the side and my lungs are smaller. Nothing major, thank God. It could be worse.



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Try having six IVs in your body for a week.


Good lord, no. I HATE needles. >.<


The worst that ever happened to me was when I needed stitches on my left ear, as in right behind it. But that was when I was 7-8... So it was a while ago.


Of course I have pectus excacvatus(sp?), aka, a massive dent in my chest. I went to get it checked out at the hospital last year... Unnerving. I was all "Zomg... There's something wrong with me..." Turns out my heart is just shoved to the side and my lungs are smaller. Nothing major, thank God. It could be worse.






Yeah, I think the only deadly thing that's happened to me is that my body literally shut down when I was a baby. I was a premee. Go figure.




We're all talking about painful hospital procedures. Are we weird or what? XD



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Dude, sorry, but that wasn't cool. - Nikira

Edit: I spoke with someone last year who thought that happened to him, but it wasn't the case. Surviving one is a miracle, and they always find good uses for their life.


I understand that may be the case... but still, as a major pro-life person, I'd rather you didn't poke at that subject around here, please. It's a bit touchy for me. - Nikira




I had to get stitches once. And of course, they said they would disappear in six months. Turns out, they didn't go away, and for about five years I had to go back to the hospital twice a year, because the stitches ripped out and the spot above me eye under me eye too, would start bleeding. So basically it's like I was crying tears. (One of the coolest times was it happened at school, and I had half the lunch room crowded around my table before I knew the stitches had ripped out.

Then they figured it was because of certain skin properties on my face that they didn't know about, I still don't. It's like, all moisture is absorbed and sent to my sinuses.

And with acid reflux, it isn't fun. :P


I have like, health problems or something...

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One of my friends has acid reflux.


Nasty stuff. O.<


XD Don't we all have some problem or another?



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XD Don't we all have some problem or another?




I think I'm the best off. Unless I get punched in the chest really hard. Then my ribs can break and puncture my lung or crush my heart. >.<


And yet I played baseball. How retarded.



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The first and only time I ever played football landed my in the ER.

But I don't have heart problems.


I have have everything else problems.

Aaaaaaaaaaand of course, it's storming literally right over my house, and I was playingwashing dishes in the sink, cause my dishwasher won't work.

And I get to work with rusty nails tomorrow! Without shoes! 8D

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Aaaaaaaaaaand of course, it's storming literally right over my house, and I was playingwashing dishes in the sink, cause my dishwasher won't work.

And I get to work with rusty nails tomorrow! Without shoes! 8D


Oy. If it's storming over your house, the leftover showers will be hitting mine by this afternoon. :P


Don't puncture youself! That would be not good at all! =O



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...This has been one of the strangest series of comments I have ever read through. :blink:


My sympathies. The various ailments described throughout here sound... *shudder* Eech.

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I have come to believe that my blog congregates the strangest peoples and some of the oddest convos, save those in Exo's, Dokster's, and Spitty's blogs. XD



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