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The Last Tuesday Five For A Long Time



Cheers. *raises shot glass*

  • What is your opinion of the Toa Mahri?
  • What was the last Bionicle set you bought?
  • What's the weather like right now?
  • What's your favorite song?
  • What did you eat for lunch today?


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What is your opinion of the Toa Mahri?



What was the last Bionicle set you bought?

Awesome! That's what it was.




What's the weather like right now?



What's your favorite song?

Space Dementia, by Muse.


What did you eat for lunch today?


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Good to throw at nikira.

Toa Mahri Matoro *Throws at nikira*

Sunny, with clouds in the distance.

Crazy by gnarls barkley.

I'll say something with a coke.

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They are the awesomeness!


Toa Nuparu Mahri


It's surprisingly pleasant outside, sun is hidden behind clouds, cool.


Lux Aeterna FTW!!!


I haven't had lunch yet... Yet being the key term...

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lol @ u being blog #504


i #76


u fail :D




* What is your opinion of the Toa Mahri? Dislike.

* What was the last Bionicle set you bought? Kongu Inika, when he came out.

* What's the weather like right now? Beautiful, sunny, bit hot.

* What's your favorite song? Exit Music (For A Film) by Radiohead.

* What did you eat for lunch today? Nothing. I was over at a friend's all day. Buuut I'm about to have some sort of fancy macaroni and cheese, thank you very much.

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  • Meh.
  • Vezon and Fenrakk, 50% off!
  • *Checks window* THE LIGHT BURNS US! Burns us, Precious! *Returns to computer* Sunny and clear.
  • Always Look on the Bright SIde of Life by Eric Idle
  • Everyone who ate it agreed that it was most like ribs.
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*Clinks glass, drinks* To the tuesday have!


Eh, they're ok. Don't have them yet, so this may change, but for the most part, meh.


Er, Nocturn, I think.


Sunny, still a bit wet from yesterday's rain. This could change any moment, of corse, becouse the weather around here can go from cloudy to sunny to rainy to hailing skittles in a ten minute timespan.


Hmm... I'd have to say at the moment, a song somply titled "Intro".


Grapes, triscuits with peanut butter, orange juice.

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Hurrah! It's Friday Fifteen! :happydance:


I know I'm close...


What is your opinion of the Toa Mahri? *Hugs them.*

What was the last Bionicle set you bought? Matau, I think... or Nokama? I remember it was plastic; that should narrow things down...

What's the weather like right now? It's finally not raining! *Refrains from dancing on desk.*

What's your favorite song? Ode to a Superhero, by Weird Al

What did you eat for lunch today? Breakfast




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-Favorite's Jaller. Like all of them, color schemes could use work (glares at Nuparu), as could tools. Overall good.

-Tie between the Mahri, Nocturn, Maxilos and Spinax, Hydraxon, and Gadunka. Owned.

-Partly cloudy, comfortable. Doesn't happen often in Mississippi in summer.

-Anything free, 'cause that's what I'm limited to.

-It will be a Hot Pocket, Capri Sun, and a Gushers.



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I don't know. I may get Kongu. Do not know why though, like some of the others better, but none of them are wonderful.


Hmm. Back in December. Nocturn.


Heat Stroke-Iffied. Doug just fainted half an hour ago. For once it wasn't me! :D


So many to choose from.... Iron Man is the default. Black Sabbath has their moments. (Granted, all of them)


Did not have lunch.

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