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Four Seasons, Four Banners



Last night I slept better than I did in a long time. I've been sick with a nasty head cold almost all month. (coughing, runny nose, etc.) :wacko: But I'm finaly feeling much better!


Anyway, I was exploring some rarely-viewed folders on my computer and found these banners I made a few months ago. I think I made them last March. There's four of them, each representing a season. Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall (or if you prefer, Autumn). In the center are the Japanese words for that particular season.


To get the Japanese words for the seasons, I used this translator. In the Spring banner, I don't know if that's the correct word for the season of Spring, seeing as it's written in the Hiragana form of Japanese instead of traditional. But that's what it translated and that's all I had. :rolleyes: If it's not the correct word for the season Spring, I'd appreciate getting the real word in text format.


I bet your waiting to see the banners. :P Well, here they are:







I made these entierly in Photoshop. Only using brushes, stamps, and effects. You can use them, but you must give credit! I worked hard on those.

So, what do think? :)


:a: :m:




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They're really nice--very professional looking. The letters are centered nicely, and their coloring goes along with the background. Like I said before, you're good at this. :happy:


You might want to try a different translator, like Babelfish, and see if you get the same translation. If you do, you'll know it's right. Or both translators are wrong. :lol:

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Thanks for telling me about that other translator! I only new about the Dictionary.com one. :rolleyes: Well I tried it, but the translation's the same. I think that's the word meaning the curly metal type of spring. :P Though I assume there would be one symbol represtenting the season. Oh well, I'll keep looking.


And I'm glad you like them! :)



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