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...heh-heh, Awkward...



Well, I must say that today has been a very fun and surprising birthday. I think it was even better then last year's. I've noticed that I like writing a lot, more then I probably should for a blog so I'll try to keep this short. (No promises of course)


Dad took me out to breakfast this morning for some father-daughter time. We talked a lot about various things, mostly about the possible out-of-state move that he's been thinking about. After breakfast we went to a pawn shop where I got a really nice saddle blanket for a real bargain. When we arrived home I was surprised to see the house completely decked out with streamers, presents on the coffee table, the house miraculously cleaner then usual, three eagerly waiting brothers, and three pets looking around in utter confusion. (One of them, the female cat who is known to be an absolute klutz when jumping looked like she was seriously considering making a jump for one billowing streamer by the air vent.) My older brother gave me the Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End soundtrack. Next one the present from the second oldest brother. I couldn't figure out what was in it as the package was insanely light. I opened it up and, peaking in, saw an assortment of McToran in a zip-lock bag.


"Oh wow! I've wanted this for so long! Thanks! Where did you...Wait...Oh..."


I looked up at mom who was grinning ear to ear as were the rest of my siblings, though not quite as mischievously. A month ago while I was at camp my family went to the annual Home School Convention. There, one of our friends was selling the majority of his Bionicle collection. I was told when I got back about him getting rid of his collection and immediately jumped in to ask if the McToran were yet sold, knowing that he had duplicates of all six, plus some. I was then informed that he had sold them to some mom who had bought them for her daughter who was really into the older sets.


I was disappointed, but paid a visit to him to buy any sets he hadn't sold yet. I grumbled to my siblings about "friends who don't remember that their friend's siblings have asked them for their sets..." or "I would have paid twice the amount he was given for those sets! And it still would have been a bargain for me!" Needless to say, my brothers knew I was very disappointed about missing out on such an opportune moment. After seeing the McToran in the zip-lock bag, already built, I knew exactly where my family had gotten them for me. I looked at mom, shocked and suddenly horror-struck by what I had been gripping about. "I'm so sorry mom! I had no idea! It's probably a good thing you didn't hear me griping to my brothers..." I added that last bit in as a joke.


"Who says I didn't hear?" Mom replied. I must have looked insanely embarrassed or scared, or possibly both as mom then added, "You sure look good in pink dear."


"Remember that time we were at church and you walked in on my conversation with Jeff?" My older brother asked, (And as I can't ask the person mom bought the sets from if it's ok I use his real name on here, I'll just be referring to him as Jeff for now on) "Well, we were talking about the sets when you came in and that's why we ended suddenly. And then you had to ask how much he sold them for! I had such a hard time not laughing and poor Jeff couldn't help but smile --as you noticed-- When he said for about 5 or so dollars."


"And remember that time you went over to buy some of his sets?" Chris, my second brother added in, "While you were looking through the comics you asked him if he knew who bought the sets? Well, he didn't really know that they were supposed to be a surprise then and so I'm surprised you didn't see me giving him the hint not to tell..."


He then gave what I hope was a much exaggerated 'shushing' motion.


"...At least he caught on enough to say he wasn't sure who had bought them."


Throughout my brothers retelling of close shaves, I was feeling more and more stupid. I couldn't believe that I hadn't caught on sooner or seen the pattern! I had had no idea, hint, or suspicion that my whole family, my friend's whole family, and possibly a couple of miscellaneous people were in on this surprise and had endured my griping about "missing out on a bargain" without giving away the secret. They should all consider going into acting... ;-)


So after briefly telling them that I had had no idea about it, I opened the next gift which was from my younger brother. In it were 3 Turaga, a Metru Nui Matoran, Rahaga Pouks, 4 Voya Nui Matoran, and various Borakh (Sp?) Va bought from Jeff. Again my family erupted into laughter, and probably because my face must have expressed my surprise and embarrassment about this added secret that I, once again, had had no inkling of.


Laughing with the rest of them, I helped my brother peal off some of the price tags they had missed and, after posing some of the sets, went on to the last present from mom and dad. I couldn't figure out what it was as it was reasonably heavy, too hard and oddly shaped to be a book, but definitely not a CD. Opening it I found a 24 "portrait" set of various flesh-toned Prismacolor pencils. Again I was surprised, and again I joined my family in laughing. I can't think of a time that I've more enjoyed "feeling stupid" over secret surprises then I have today. I have also learned something new...My family listens a lot more closely to what I say then I ever thought they did as all of the gifts were only mentioned off-handedly a rare few times (usually only once) before they were purchased for me.


I spent the rest of the day playing with the new sets with my brothers, listening to the new CD multiple times, or sketching. Sadly, two of the pencils seem to be busted as I could get no where near to a sharp point before the lead broke. Mom said that tomorrow she would take me to the store to see if we could get them exchanged.


My birthday dinner was a pizza delivery. The first one we had ordered in years. I must say that it was absolutely wonderful. Normally when we have pizza it is homemade since my mom and younger brother can't have wheat since they have celiac. While I enjoy most things mom makes with rice flour, some things even more then wheat, we haven't quite figured out how to make a decent pizza crust. (Granted, we have gotten better over the years) So having some good ol' wheat pizza was absolutely heavenly. We ordered some wings for mom and my brother, but upon inspection the seemed to have evidence of wheat flour on them, and so mom made a pizza for the two of them.


Next we went to Bookmen's (I love used book stores ^.^) but sadly, I didn't find any books that interested me. I did however find three CDs (The Princess Bride, West Side Story, and Switchfoot: Learning to Breathe)


When we got home, we decided not to skip the traditional "Ice Cream Friday" despite the lateness of the hour. Mom decided to pass as she was tired and wished me a very happy birthday. We all then sat in the living room eating our ice cream, playing various CD's we bought to see if there were glitches, listening to my youngest brother's exclamation of joy and total unbelief over the game manual to the Battle for Middle-Earth 2 game he just got, and over all just enjoying each other's company.



Pfft! So much for keeping this short! I seemed to have "forgotten" that little detail somewhere after breakfast and during the present opening bit. Aw well, it would have just been boring if I gave a bare list. (And if anyone actually reads through all of this I'll give them some of my birthday pizza, cyberfied of course;) )








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