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It's Been Fun...



Well, this is most likely the last entry I'll be doing on here. Nothing really special happened today so I guess I'll just talk about what I'll do with this 'ere blog if I ever get a Premier account.


1. Make entries a lot shorter. Try as I might, I just wanted to talk too much, which probably scared all of you guys away. (Hey, it's scared me looking back on the entries and seeing how huge they were!)

2. Decorate. I thought about doing all sorts of cool backgrounds and buttons, but then realized it would come down to either spending the week decorating, or spending the week actually using the blog. So I obviously chose the latter.

3. Think of a theme. I just kinda wrote whatever I felt like. (This wasn't a bad thing) Only problem is that it's been kinda random and unorganized. Much like my many half-finished journals lined up on my shelf.


In short, this week as been a fun sort of blogging "trial and error." I've surprised myself in that I found something to ramble about every day and have figured out some things I'll be doing differently next time.


And for the records, I'm going to leave it at that and prove that I can in fact make a short entry.





P.S. Forgot to add in that I was finally able to get "Prisoners of the Pit" from the library today. Good book, I'm glad certain characters are back. (Ha-ha! I didn't need to use the spoiler tag!)

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