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Save me. I am doing my best now to post this without enraging the furies known s the word filters and mods. At my school, as some of you know, I am a social outcast among almost all of the boys, I fit in somewhat okay with everyone else, but the "popular" or "cool" kids just shun me, for my interests, for not being jock, etc. There is only one boy who I can easily relate to, and can relate to me. Our class only has 12 students counting me. I could trust this friends with things that would have been awkward to tell to my other friends who are girls. The "popular" kids just treat me like a freak because I am not in the ALG 1 class (because I got an 89 on my yearly math average, not a 90, because my life does not revolve around sports, I am kind to the PRE-K, I enjoy working on computers, and I like Bionicle. The one friend I have of my own gender is not going to be at school next week, the week after that, or the many weeks after that. He is leaving school. This is about the fourth time in my life this has happened. I am sorry to post this here, but I just need to vent feelings. :*(




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Same as me. People annoy me cause I hardly do any sports and prefer doodling on my computer. Gets really frustrating. Then, during English class, they mock me for knowing the word 'foreshadowing'. There are only a few people who don't annoy me, and one of them begs to play my NDS every day, whcih gets really frustrating.

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