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Meet Other Bzpower Members!



This Sunday, October 14, 2007, there will be a WAMALUG meeting. Everything you need to know on when and where and how to get there is in the link.


FYI, this is a LUG in the Washington DC (Metro) Area (WAMA...). Think about that before getting all excited.


I expect to be there from 11:30 or noon to 5:00. I'll be wearing my BZPower Shirt, so you can't miss me! (As well as a Brickbadge with my BZP name on it, so don't say, "Chocolate Frogs?" but instead say, "Chocolate Frogs!" because you'll know it's me)


BZPower member "Ouch" will be there in the afternoon as well.

And I might just have freebies if I know you're coming....

I'll also have some awesome MOCs not seen here on BZP! (Or you've seen the WIPs....)


If you're coming, I would suggest either coming for a little bit and chilling with Ouch and me or coming with some MOCs and chilling with Ouch and me. I should have some pieces with which to MOC with, but nothing is guaranteed. (They're my pieces, my precious!)

The AFOLs really like System, by the way.

Oh, if you're under the age of 15, you need an adult with you. It's pushing it with that 15 age, but I think it'll be OK.


Yeah, that's it. Can't wait to see you there! (Unless you don't live in DC/Northern Virginia/nearby in Maryland.)


-CF :kakama:


Quote of the Day: May I take your order... so that I may promptly ignore it.


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