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2008 Part 1 - Nuva





As sets, the Nuva are pretty much awesome. Kopaka's wings are quite pleasant, his mask looks sufficiently techno, and he has nice legs. ( :blink: ) His arms disappoint me; they would be far better shorter. The shorter double socket and, say, Metru legs would look far more proportionate, in my humble opinion. But still, four Piraka legs...yay! But bley? Is that good? Not necessarily, no.


Lewa, Lewa, what happened to you? Nice green mask? Check. Insane serrated (love that word!) blade? Check. Not terribly keen on the colour scheme - more bley. Unfortunate. And torso could be more custom.


Pohatu rocks (no pun intended (or maybe it was)). Orange and bley is a nice combination, and his Vahi-style mask looks awesome. Add transforming claws and you've got something pretty excellent. He wants orange on his chest though, it's too bland and bley.


Launchers look almost interesting, but nothing spectacular.


As characters, I'm terribly disappointed that they bear next to no resemblance to the originals, but I can learn to live with them.




It depends how expensive they are.




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Yay for tolerance!


And here I was expecting you to swear against getting them! :D


I like them too, though the switching of Kopaka's eyepiece will not go unavenged. Or maybe it will. And I won't be able to judge (or draw) the masks until I can hold them in my hand, probably.

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Oh yes, the think with Kopaka's eye bothers me... but I'm hoping it's just a mess up with the computer model.

I wonder why they did that...

~Sr. G
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Also, Kopaka's Piraka legs appear to be light bley, not dark bley. Which is good, although dark bley would have worked as well. (I still don't understand the aversion people have to the dark bley on Lewa and Pohatu).


Moreover, I think that the Mata feet on the white Matoran match the Piraka legs on Kopaka, hence, light bley Mata feet. :happydance: Although I could be wrong.


Bley is just boring. It's been used so many times now. There's nothing wrong with it as a colour, but when you use it too much...boring. -S


True. But still, light bley... I haven't seen them go wrong with it yet, and here it just serves to appease those who would otherwise whine to no end about "it doesn't look like Kopaka lol." Though many still do that anyway, I feel safe to assume that these sets have been done better than I would have anticipated.

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Just to be one of the noobs that usually appear on the board right about now:


wOOtZ! The Nuva r dee awsomest! Go Noova!!!!1!one!!


(My friend says:I like Pie Mooooooo!!!!!!)



I seriously didn't write that.

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Kopaka just reminds me of a white Whenua, Lewa and Hewkii bare similar resemblences to eachother, I reckon its a new way to style Toa but . . .

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I don't see why people are saying that Kopaka looks like Whenua. His mask looks a lot more like an Akaku Nuva then a Ruru. And a the lightsaber sticking out of his eye just goes to show that if you play around with those things you'll poke your eye out.

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Gray (or bley, as you all call it) looks pretty good to me when next to the right colors - as it is applied in the case of Lewa and Pohatu Newvu - it sets off the brighter colors and doesn't make the set look overly garish, IMT.


As for the expense, the sets cost 9.99 USD. Just like always.


As I've said before, I don't mind bley. I mind it being used all the time. -S

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I'm gonna have to agree with the whole Bley issue; It's a secondary color in almost all the sets nowadays, and when that happens they begin to stray out of uniqueness and into uniformity.


Fear the Bley.



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