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Toa Of 2008 Thoughts



Here I go, stating my opinion of the 2008 Bionicle sets. I've given some thoughts in other people's blogs, so perhaps you know what I think. But I will also give extended thoughts and reasons, opinions, mind you, about these. I will look at storyline resemblance and thoughts on the pieces.


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My opinions will be spaced out over a couple days. And before you think, "Here goes another member complaining about 2008," let me tell you that I am pretty much opposed only to the Nuva. I'll tell you all my thoughts in time, precious reader.


On that note, let's get to the Nuva, shall we?

Overall, they need a serious reduction of bley. Bley limbs? Come on! The limbs provide a big part of the color scheme. And Toa are so much cooler with two colors reflecting their element. The dark bley only truly belongs on Earth, and it seems that Pohatu and Kopaka are trying to get away with it, but Lewa is failing miserably. Remember the Toa Metru and their color and bley scheme? I really didn't like bley. Brighter colors will attract kids eyes, won't they?


Those launchers look bulky and annoying. And I thought the Cordaks were big, whew! Other than Lego saying kids like guns, do the heroes really need anything other than a melee weapon(s)?


Kopaka: This is probably the only Toa set I want right now. We'll see how the others look, but white, green and brown are my usual 1st sets, and I only want Kopaka.

I like the feet adn armor, but that's pretty much the only thing I like. If his limbs were light bley that would be cool, because light bley is the new light grey, his color. But I doubt that. And I think Piraka legs on Toa look bulkey.

Oh, and if you haven't figured it out already, I detest his lack of shield, sword (don't mention his beyonette) and his left eyepiece. That much feel pretty weird, if you think about it, seeing better with a different eye.

The wings: Well, if the story is in the air next year, he needs some way to fly. Or more so glide inless those flap. (how much you want to bet Gali has Hahli's wings?)


Lewa: Where's the bright green? I really don't understand why Lego doesn't use this color. It's one of my favorites and I haven't heard any thing about it doing porly like brown. But even dark green would have been better than bley.

Anyone else notice the little propellers in his cheeks?

His sword is amazing. I'll have to get that, but only that.

I don't think those feet work too well on Toa. They are big, bulkey, and were introduced in a bad guy, so to me they have a bad guy feel.

Don't have much to say about the jets, except I think an Air Toa would have wings.


Pohatu: Excuse my while I go fetal position in front of my computer screen.

Good news: someone please take four Avak armor, two Onewa's feet, and a Kakama or something brown and make him brown.

Those pieces are the only color on him. I keep thinking his Po-Matoran friend is a Ta-Matoran. Why Orange? (Why bley?) Maybe a tan (or beige, the new tan) and orange scheme would work. That'd work for me.

And what's with the lack of chest armor. (happened on Hewkii Mahri as well) One shot and he's dead. But this is a general thing that's been going on for a while. I just don't understand it.

It's only after you see something worse you could accept what you didn't want. He would be much better in gunmetal and keetorange. Couldn't that bley even be replaced by gunmetal?

And I don't think he has hands. Just stubs of Hordika skull like Chirox's hands and Vamprah's feet. So his arms are short. There's one similarity to his old self.

Oh, Kanohi="Vahi"...bad idea. It resembles a Vahi too much


There are my thoughts on the Nuva. Sorry that is seems a little jumbled. There is so much I don't like/appreciate. These did not meet my expectations, but why should they? Is there no nostalgia left in the Lego HQ?


Yeah, I'm so glad I'm a MOCist so I buy sets for the pieces.


-CF :kakama:

Hehe, bley. I just remembered that I took my bley pieces out of the canister they used to be in (my pieces are organized by color) and put them in a bag. They don't deserve the dignity of a canister.


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Hmm... a couple of points I'll agree with or contradict...


Kopaka: I think the "lens" feature was more problematic when they included it wiht Nuju, who had shown no interest in telescopes before the flashback to Metru-Nui. At that point, I think the set designers were putting in a bit much nostalgia in the white sets, which they dropped for Matoro. I guess we should be happy ta all that Kopaka kept his scopic lense, which I think defined him even more than the shield or sword (and come on, the Nuva shield was bulky, why would we want a new one of those? I bet if Kopaka was given a shield, he wouldn't get a sword at all) I think a shield is useful in combat. I didn't find the Nuva one too bulkey. (Oh, calling Kopaka Nuva and Kopaka Nuva both Kopaka Nuva is going to get confusing.


Lewa: right on, where on Mata-Nui is that bright green color that just evaporated when Lego said "we're taking the story in a darker direction, so we'll darken the colors for you too". I have notice bright red and bright blue making slight combacks in sets, and we've even seen secondary colors (orange, light blue, lime green) make a strong comeback... but where's our green? Oh well, maybe the 2008 green baddie will not be that horrible dark shade. Glad you agree


Pohatu: Yeah, he's not a perfect set, but his original Nuva form was "fat" in my opinion, so "overly unarmored" might as well be his lacking quality here. True, Hewkii Inika's color scheme is looking alot nicer now... :sly:


Well, you make some good points, and bright up some set design details that I haven't thought of too much yet. I'm just hoping that the sets do look better in person than in these prereleased pictures.




Thanks for being a person that gives nice feedback with their own opinions while not yelling at the original person.

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I do concur that the absence of Gunmetal is disturbing. It looked really good on Hewkii when he was an Inika...and suddenly they phased the Toa of Stone into Yellow. Did they think the Gunmetal was being mistaken for Black?


And by the way, if you find referring to the sets by their current names gets too confusing...call them ____ Phantoka. I know it's not their official title, but it seems to be working across the forums.


Interesting idea


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Bley is one of my favorite colors. I used it as Pohatu's secondary color for your contest.

Uh oh.

Anyway, my opinions obviously differ from yours... and I think, judging from another pic I saw, Kopaka Nuva doesn't have a ble secondary. It looks black.

To me.

~Sr. G
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Well, I think Kopaka DOES have light bley limbs, believe it or not. And I think the Piraka limbs work great. He's probably the best of the bunch.


And Pohatu's mask isn't that much like a vahi.... The problem is that they upped the resemblance by making it orange. ORANGE! But atleast he has, like, TWO new pieces in that color. I just hope you Keetorange-haters are happy. <_<


And Lewa? Don't even get me started. You're right, he SHOULD have wings, and I'm not too fond of his mask, either. (lime with a visor is too much like Lesovikk for my liking) I don't even like his sword, which I think is too jagged and un-Lewalike.


At least the small sets are cool.... These are okay sets, but not very good Toa Nuva.

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