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The Life Of The (third) Party



With Brawl being pushed back, I'm left having to slow down a bit with the Fantasy Draft. I've got a handful of entries, enough to go for a few more months. Provided I slow it down to a new one every few weeks. But I like this choice, and I'm going with it today.




Joanna Dark

Franchise: Perfect Dark

First Appearance: Perfect Dark (N64)

Why?: Goldeneye brought the first-person shooter to console gamers when it burst onto the scene for the Nintendo64. However, it wasn't until Rare unveiled Perfect Dark later on in the life of the console that people truly came to understand what a console FPS was capable of. With it's intensive stat-tracking, various degrees of bots, and a multitude of bonus modes and weapons, Perfect Dark surpassed Goldeneye as the best FPS of it's generation. Perfect Dark showed that Rare could make something besides fetch-quests, and a sequel was long suspected to be coming until Rare was swooped up by Microsoft. I know I'm dreaming in this one, but Joanna Dark wasn't just a generic spy. She was a strong female lead that could get by with her gear and her brains.

Appearance: You'll notice I used a picture of Joanna from her 64 days. Perfect Dark Zero (or Perfect Dark In Name Only), turned into a prequel, transforming Joanna into almost an anime styled shell of her former self. Her look on the 64 fit the futuristic spy motif far more than the khaki's a t-shirt look that she sported occasionally, not to mention her look in the 64 would be how Nintendo fans would best remember her.

Moveset: With her assortment of spy-gear and combat skills, Joanna would come into the Brawl arena on a similiar level as Snake. Her Up + B recovery would summon Dr. Caroll to hover her back to the platform. She'd have grenades she could toss with the her down B attack. There's also her tranquilzer gun (which she could charge using her standard B attack). The higher the dosage, the more the enemy is recoiled/stunned. Her smash attacks would involve kung foo (with that fun swooshy noise her chops made ingame). Unfortunately it's tricky to make a moveset since she'd be under the same rules as Snake, which would mean no guns. This leaves me worried her best moveset may end up being very similar to Snake's.

Final Smash: There'd be nothing more fun than for Joanna to call down a Mayan invasion with the help of her buddy Elvis. I can picture the spaceship swooping in and firing charged laser blasts from above as Joanna struck her enemies from the ground. Not to mention Elvis was one of the more interesting partners in a shooter.


Joanna Dark is about as likely to make it into Brawl as I am. But that's just what the Fantasy Draft is all about.


Recommended Comments

I say T should be in Brawl. If that's what it takes to see a Mayan invasion, sure.

Your supported is noted, and will be rewarded when the Gaming Revolution comes. But for the time-being, you don't happen to have any ties to Nintendo we could exploit would you?

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I say T should be in Brawl. If that's what it takes to see a Mayan invasion, sure.

Your supported is noted, and will be rewarded when the Gaming Revolution comes. But for the time-being, you don't happen to have any ties to Nintendo we could exploit would you?

How about a new Sin and Punishment. Eh?

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